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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Black Ops II multiplayer thoughts oAllianceOhydro01,158

08/29/12 7:03 pm
by oAllianceOhydro

Closed: The Walking Dead Episode 3 Release BlackHoleFTW41,302

08/28/12 8:52 am
by Moo Lissa

Closed: Need a boosting buddy... BlackHoleFTW41,327

08/27/12 12:35 pm
by AJ

Altered Beast help anyone.. OGL x Grim141,577

08/27/12 10:00 am
by OGL x Grim

Rock Band 2 Tournament Band Hookup Thread! Moo Lissa423,457

08/23/12 4:24 pm
by Daniel

Tranformers: Fall of Cybertron The Snapple Cap121,653

08/21/12 6:16 pm
by The Snapple Cap

which game shld i get? yuppp...again slicknick3822252,358

08/18/12 8:40 pm
by slicknick3822

Closed: New Assassins creed and Army of two trailers xukx Monkeybutt11,264

08/14/12 2:41 pm
by AJ

New Trailers DMC5, Lost planet, and Injustice xukx Monkeybutt01,134

08/14/12 12:09 pm
by xukx Monkeybutt

Closed: New border lands come and get me trailer! xukx Monkeybutt21,345

08/13/12 5:33 pm
by BIGP 6

"Official" Modern Warfare 3 Thread Minioger15212,921

08/11/12 8:29 pm
by JeremyVersion1

KUF: Circle of Doom 'Uber' Weapons Leo Ascendent01,033

08/09/12 6:30 pm
by Leo Ascendent

Hybrid Review (XBLA Title) legitxsh0tzzzzz01,210

08/09/12 2:41 am
by legitxsh0tzzzzz

Official Risen 2 Thread Moo Lissa71,738

08/02/12 1:01 am
by Moo Lissa

Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 thread angrymoo414,178

07/30/12 1:14 am
by BillyCoyle321

MtG: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 This thread contains a pollMeta141,591

07/30/12 1:13 am
by BillyCoyle321

Game of Thrones: The Game Reactions/Discussions IRiSH686,810

07/25/12 11:57 pm
by IRiSH

Price is Right-Need 2 People BlackHoleFTW21,620

07/22/12 4:08 pm
by BlackHoleFTW

Closed: Bug with Kinect Play Fit BlackHoleFTW21,679

07/22/12 8:26 am
by PureEvil x21

Whats your favorite lego game? DeWayne31,359

07/20/12 10:16 pm
by heathkilljoy

Meet the Robinsons??? BlackHoleFTW21,207

07/20/12 12:22 am
by BlackHoleFTW

Final Fantasy XI StovetopGnome01,137

07/17/12 10:28 pm
by StovetopGnome

NCAA 13 thread The Snapple Cap433,623

07/12/12 4:23 pm
by Otilia e Gabita

Closed: Looking For Specific DLC Codes and Can't Find The Forum Senthura41,269

07/12/12 3:48 am
by AJ

I need more... brains! APOPHIS198931,372

07/10/12 1:07 pm
by Repo Man 360