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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Bully 2 "hopefully" Durtie131,408

12/22/09 10:09 am
by Adrian

Crackdown 2 Austin223,691

12/22/09 1:26 am
by Mudkip

"Official" Borderlands Weapon Swapping Thread ErmacVersion1111,880

12/21/09 11:48 am
by ErmacVersion1

Assassin's Creed 2 DLC Trailer & Info, Reasonably Priced Too! nWo Member69413,639

12/21/09 11:27 am
by nWo Member69

Left for dead 2 dlc dhobbs41421,329

12/20/09 11:36 pm
by dhobbs414

New TU for MW2 fixes "javelin glitch" specVSERious131,822

12/20/09 6:46 pm
by Bullets Chase

DICE Announces Squad Deathmatch for Bad Company 2 Bay31,350

12/18/09 6:00 pm
by Bay

MW2 Mod ww2boy101183,833

12/18/09 11:19 am
by Detroit


12/18/09 8:16 am
by animefr33k

mw2 3rd person tactical... xXBILLY MAYZXx01,257

12/18/09 6:29 am

"Bye Bye Javelin" "Hello Retard Run" Bay252,529

12/18/09 6:22 am

Resident Evil 5 DLC Episodes Krueger1428101,793

12/18/09 3:21 am
by Krueger1428

Final Fantasy XIII Trphies/Achievements list Krueger1428136,345

12/18/09 12:13 am
by KevinJustin

Bioshock 2 Achievements! Bay152,851

12/16/09 6:14 pm
by Mudkip

Cant Wait Jking98101,916

12/16/09 3:03 pm
by Braz

MW2 Model 1887 Akimbo Fix? Sean126,420

12/15/09 10:37 pm
by BoyzRFlatt

MW2 Throwing Knives xl Sterling lx142,937

12/14/09 10:34 pm
by Crustyhippy

Overrated/Underrated A Unique Yeti303,683

12/14/09 5:12 pm
by Crustyhippy

ANTICIPATED This thread contains a pollAssualt Maniac242,932

12/14/09 2:22 pm
by xxxRAGNAROKxxxx

Help in Band Hero orange20121,477

12/13/09 6:24 pm
by Meta

Bye Bye Javelin... consdills3391321,659

12/13/09 4:41 pm
by consdills33913

Games you need to mop up. SkinsDP537303,309

12/12/09 2:40 pm
by BoyzRFlatt

MW2 Vid ww2boy101101,910

12/12/09 12:36 am
by ww2boy101

Modern Warfare 2 Title Guide XxSh4dowxX125,773

12/11/09 11:08 pm
by Sean

Infinite possibilities! Super Hyper X61,430

12/11/09 11:01 pm
by Minioger