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Personal Information
Join Date:Mar 31, 2012
BirthdayOctober 21st
Favorite GameMinecraft
Least Favorite GameFast & Furious
Interests:Baseball Cards
DeWayne's Awards
Weekly Competition Winner
Weekly Competition Winner

This user won the most recent weekly Gamerscore Competition. This award travels from winner to winner.

Competition Pro
Competition Pro

This user has won three or more gamerscore competitions.

Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.

3 Year Login Streak
3 Year Login Streak

This user has logged in to Xbox America every day for the past three years.

1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

This user has written over 1,000 posts. Rock on!

Head of State
Head of State

This user has one of the highest gamerscores in his or her region.

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight

This Xbox America member has been featured in the Monthly Community Spotlight.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.

Discussion Sparker
Discussion Sparker

This user created a thread which attracted 150 or more replies.


This user has referred five users to Xbox America.


This user has given Xbox America some love in his Xbox Live motto.

It Defines Me
It Defines Me

This user mentioned Xbox America in his Xbox Live biography.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

I made the 50,000th post
I made the 50,000th post

This award was rewarded to the user that posted Xbox America's 50,000th post.

Gamertag Info
GamertagDarth Daddy 69
DeWayne's Shoutbox
PureEvil x21 - 8 years ago


IRiSH - 8 years ago

Thanks yo!

Dvader83 - 8 years ago

Thank you.

ShadowMachine X - 8 years ago

Thank you

Meta - 8 years ago

How did you enjoy Among the Sleep and Back to the Future? I assume both are pretty easy for the 1000G, but I mean were they actually fun? interesting?

AJ - 8 years ago

Thanks dude (I'm 23 days late), haha.

Meta - 8 years ago

I was surprised how fun Battletoads Arcade was. I am not a fan of the old 3d shooters though, bleck.

theEVOL1 - 8 years ago

Thanks man!

slicknick3822 - 8 years ago

Thanks for the birthday wish msn

RissaGoesRawr - 8 years ago


Meta - 8 years ago

Let me know how you like that game Inside, it's from the folks that did Limbo and I liked that a lot

StL Hive - 8 years ago

thanks for the shout out 2 months ago lol

BoyzRFlatt - 8 years ago

Thank you kindly

Mo the Surfer - 8 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

Meta - 8 years ago

I'm liking Gears a lot. Horde is fun, mp is fun, campaign is fun (so far, but i'm only in act 2 i think). My only gripe is I wish you either earned credits a little faster or else got some scrap for each mp match and 10 horde waves completed.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Thank you!

Meta - 9 years ago

thanks man. the Lies of Astaroth devs said they have fixed some of the bugged achievements including logins, but you will probably have to get a fresh 3 day login streak to get it to pop

Meta - 9 years ago

haven't got my 3 day yet either, but the devs seem to be actively addressing bugs so should be ironed out soon

Meta - 9 years ago

Winning and buying, but don't buy too many starter packs, you need a lot of gold to enchant cards. Grinding the towers on each map gets you a lot of cards and money

Meta - 9 years ago

Hey, for the Ben Hur completion, did you have to kill every enemy chariot yourself every race, or they just all needed to be eliminated before the end of the race?

JasonT5150 - 9 years ago

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Meta - 9 years ago

who do you like in Smite? Sol and Medusa are my faves, we mostly play Arena and Assault

Meta - 9 years ago

I got flooded out so just been playing my 2DS lately, Mario Kart and a jrpg. What have you been playing lately?

Sith Dragon DDG - 9 years ago

Thanks for the birthday wish!

FA Q MAN - 9 years ago


Mike G - 9 years ago

Not Really

Mike G - 9 years ago

Easy cheevos for Costume Quest

Darth Rankine - 9 years ago

Thank ya bro

Mo the Surfer - 9 years ago

Thank you very much!!! =)

Mike G - 9 years ago

Episode 3 was meh. But still a very easy completion.