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Personal Information
Join Date:Apr 22, 2011
BirthdayFebruary 17th
Favorite GameBattlefield & Dead Space
Least Favorite GameHalo & COD
Hardest AchievementMedal of Honor Fire Controller
Funniest AchievementBattlefield The Dentist
Wii Friend Code:What Friends?
AIM:People still use that?!?
Occupation:DynaCraft PACCAR
Location:Louisville, KY
Interests:Video Games, Paintball, Basketball. Golf and Movies
Biography:29 yr old U.S. Air Force veteran divorced father of 2 little girls
BlackHoleFTW's Awards
Competition Pro
Competition Pro

This user has won three or more gamerscore competitions.

Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Xbox America Sponsor
Xbox America Sponsor

This user has donated $15+ to Xbox America.

Xbox America Benefactor
Xbox America Benefactor

This user has donated $50+ to Xbox America.

Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.

Head of State
Head of State

This user has one of the highest gamerscores in his or her region.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.

Waffle Philanthropist
Waffle Philanthropist

This user has donated three or more games to the Waffle Order thread.


This user has completed 3 or more game trades and is in good trading standing.


This user has referred five users to Xbox America.

Master Marketer
Master Marketer

This user has referred ten users to Xbox America.


This user has given Xbox America some love in his Xbox Live motto.

It Defines Me
It Defines Me

This user mentioned Xbox America in his Xbox Live biography.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Miscellaneous Service
Miscellaneous Service

This user has performed some sort of miscellaneous service for Xbox America that deserves to be recognized.

Gamertag Info
Please note that game experience may change during online play against BlackHoleFTW. Changes may include, but are not limited to: You being beaten savagely, getting shot in the face numerous times, eating alot of burnt rubber, kicking, screaming and crying like a baby. Also note that BlackHoleFTW is subject to availability, so do not resort to the aforementioned actions if you cannot contact BlackHoleFTW. To see where you rank checkout www.xboxamerica.com
BlackHoleFTW's Shoutbox
Meta - 11 years ago

happy birthday in your hole!!

Vermillion Haze - 11 years ago

Happy bday.

BillJones0302 - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

DeWayne - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

DeWayne - 12 years ago

No worries maybe we can try again sometime! Just let me know

Vermillion Haze - 12 years ago

I hail from Somerset.

Vermillion Haze - 12 years ago

Where in KY you from?

Vermillion Haze - 12 years ago

Lets do some trading. I could use that A.B. smg.

DeWayne - 12 years ago

Can you help me?

DeWayne - 12 years ago

I would definitely be extremely appreciative for some Bordlands 2 help. Let me know if possible I am usually on after 7 weeknights and most of the day Sat and Sun.

Moo Lissa - 12 years ago

I actually am in the middle of a review- I just didn't get much writing time over the weekend or today. Considered handing it to meta after today, though. I think if you reread my posts you'll see I'm really not ripping b'lands up. The developers and the president of that, yup. Publisher, yup. Past dlc, yup. But an 8 isn't ripping it up.

Mindy - 12 years ago

You and X catch hell over every post, I imagine the lonely hearts ad will be locked down soon! I read it twice before I realized a guy wrote it. D'oh!

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

Alright, cool. Thanks for the info!

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

Is it kind of realistic driving or more arcade?

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

How's McGrath Offroad? I was thinking of picking it up.

theEVOL1 - 13 years ago

Yeah, I wish they were all that simple! That's cool man. Just PM me!

Junior - 13 years ago

I got altered beast man, if you need help getting the online achieve.

AJ - 13 years ago

I'm not going to complete it since I've sworn off collectibles. But I enjoy it.

AJ - 13 years ago


Junior - 13 years ago

Tourney is being extended another week. So we are good

Junior - 13 years ago

you big dum dum. lol

Junior - 13 years ago

No problem man, thank you!

Daniel - 13 years ago

Haha anytime dude, it was no problem I was just having fun.

The Snapple Cap - 13 years ago

let's make a band brah

Detroit - 13 years ago


MizTian Cage - 13 years ago

Thank you for the birthday wishes sir. :3 Now you should totally let me win "the race." Just kidding, what fun would it be then?

FearlessEugene - 13 years ago

wut up wit ya

FearlessEugene - 13 years ago

lol that looks crazy

Meta - 13 years ago

Nice on winning the weekly comp!

- 13 years ago

No not yet