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Personal Information
Join Date:Dec 2, 2007
BirthdayAugust 25th, 1983
Favorite GameRock Band 2, Gears 3
Least Favorite GameShellshock 2, RtH Retribution
Hardest AchievementRB2 Endless Setlist on Expert
Funniest AchievementMedals Get! in SF4
Wii Friend Code:3604 2156 7172 5966
PlayStation Network:M721G660944
MSN Messenger:reverendmeta@gmail.com
Occupation:misanthropic philanthropy
Location:Porter, TX
Interests:death + black metal, books + reading them, gaming, guitar + drums, vitamin waters
Biography:staff.xboxamerica@gmail.com -- contact us with questions, suggestions, review requests and any feedback
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Silver Waffle

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1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

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Gamertag Info
GamertagReverend M3TA
XboxAmerica.com ¤ Gaming can be art, science and/or entertainment. You shape your experiences. You choose your input & output. You teach others how to treat you. ¤ "Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight" -Psalms 144:1 ¤ "Bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and kill them in front of me" -Luke 19:27 ¤ NewGenRx
Meta's Shoutbox
PureEvil x21 - 7 years ago

64 huh? That hurts bro beans. Thanks!

PureEvil x21 - 7 years ago


IRiSH - 7 years ago

Thanky sai

Dvader83 - 7 years ago

Thank you.

ShadowMachine X - 7 years ago

Thank you sir

Bardfor - 7 years ago

If you send it to me, I'll put it on my tag ... just for you! :)

Moo Lissa - 7 years ago

I don't remember what it is. That yellow anime girl thing?

slicknick3822 - 7 years ago

..go on...

Revelation1318 - 7 years ago


DeWayne - 7 years ago

Just picked my copy of Halo Wars 2 look forward to playing tomorrow

DeWayne - 7 years ago

Among the Sleep had a decent story...not bad...rather short...very easy...Back to the Future..similar to movie..normal telltale mechanics...a little long...very easy...both should wait for sales.

Cangemi - 7 years ago


Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Yeah, it's crap.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

I need bioshock first.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Well they have the game/guitar bundle for $40 on Amazon. Not sure if that's a good price.

PureEvil x21 - 8 years ago

That sounds good. I have to be at work between 4 and 5 AM so I have been going to bed earlier lately, like around 10, lol.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Is rivals worth getting? Norris just got me the regular one, which he apparently had to go to game stops and Best Buys in 4 different cities to find- a lot of the ones around here don't stock the band in a box bundle. Anyway, long story short, they don't carry rivals band in a box sets, so I'm considering just buying it as an expansion.

PureEvil x21 - 8 years ago

Tomorrow might be good. I work until 430 pm, but should be good after that.

DeWayne - 8 years ago

Crushing some Rare Replay!

theEVOL1 - 8 years ago

My mom was gonna try to party, but I had other ideas!

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

They say they aren't purchased though. Hopefully that updates or something. $2 per song is pretty steep!

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

I swear I'm missing songs...

PureEvil x21 - 8 years ago

Totally down to play. I did the offline download trick for the base game. Now my slow ass internet is doing the 26GB update...hopefully that's done by tomorrow. Then I have the Season Pass to do too, lol.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

He's lying... he is constantly telling me to mule kick the kids.

theEVOL1 - 8 years ago

Some day, she'll learn to kick the kids_____________________________________________________________________<_<_________________>_>_____________________________________________________________________________________________ off. Off of the XB1, I mean. I don't condone spinning mule kicks about the heads and necks of children.

theEVOL1 - 8 years ago

JUMPING high five!!

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

There's just not a point, I never get on the xb1 anymore. When Evol is home, he's obsessed with Skyrim. When he's not, the other 3 fight over it. we are getting Alex his own for Christmas- hopefully that will give me some time to play something. It sucks because I'm in between semesters right now and I totally have time to play.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Oh god I need it.

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

I like your moovies. Is fishermans horizon actually in game music?

Moo Lissa - 8 years ago

Hello guy. I'd like to know your opinion on ffxv. Pretty sure Krob has given it 5 maple leaves up...