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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Mercenaries 2 Jared364,117

09/04/08 9:15 pm
by iKidd

New Halo 3 Achievements? BigZuDaddy232,759

09/04/08 4:46 pm
by Taco

Rock Band Disc Export Title Update Goes Live Shockwave31,400

09/04/08 4:26 pm
by bonedaddy83

Waffle and Non Waffle Game List Raine131,754

08/31/08 2:31 am
by theEVOL1

Lego SW and cheating Damian254162,026

08/30/08 8:06 pm
by Raine

Rock Band songs on Rock Band 2! Repo Man 36021,425

08/29/08 2:42 pm
by Mike93

RPG lovers which game are you more interested in? Shockwave172,251

08/29/08 12:48 pm
by Raine

Dark Messiah Multiplayer HookdAwnFonix11,328

08/29/08 10:10 am
by 1

Fable 2 LE reduced $66.99 at Amazon.com master livewire21,433

08/27/08 7:55 pm
by master livewire

Ikaruga Crusified Ninja112,195

08/27/08 5:31 pm
by Crusified Ninja

Fallout 3, release date Shockwave202,465

08/27/08 3:12 am
by Aidan

The most violent children story ever told BigZuDaddy21,501

08/25/08 5:08 pm
by Mudkip


08/24/08 4:26 pm
by Nemesis Mask

GOW2 Seriously 2.0 master livewire514,992

08/24/08 12:16 pm
by Aidan

Rock Band DLC AUG. 26TH! Himself0890111,753

08/24/08 10:17 am
by Raine

Need For Speed: Undercover This thread contains a pollBigZuDaddy152,597

08/21/08 7:42 am
by buffalo

Cod4 multiplayer Or halo3 Multiplayer idontlikepeas12303,354

08/21/08 5:43 am
by Taco

Fable 2 Pub Games worth it? This thread contains a pollMeta212,485

08/20/08 9:52 pm
by PhatCodyLee

Eternal Sonata skyNET152,075

08/20/08 11:33 am
by Raine

Army of two Tehmuffinator102,116

08/19/08 4:56 pm
by Gansosindicato1

Viva Pinata Trading Site Jackson162,782

08/19/08 2:58 pm
by Virtual Legend

ICP songs on Rockband Detreth495,087

08/19/08 7:28 am
by TFO Fate

So, what's some good games Mike93333,277

08/18/08 6:46 pm
by master livewire

This month I'm gettin'... AaronTWright202,284

08/18/08 1:54 am
by buffalo

Braid? o0TheDoctor0o122,022

08/17/08 3:57 pm
by Meta