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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Red Dead Redeption Mission HoJo136981,333

10/17/10 5:14 pm
by J Sulli

Your number one Modern Warfare 2 create-a-class? ATactical knife121,862

10/17/10 5:11 pm
by J Sulli

Dead Space 2 collector's edition with replica plasma cutter leaked iKidd182,825

10/17/10 12:45 pm
by RustySurfing07

Medal of Honor release Party Assualt Maniac303,294

10/15/10 3:36 pm
by Blackmagic16

nba 2k11 ranked achs breesyst1021,294

10/14/10 5:04 pm
by breesyst10

medal of honor servers not working chadiIIac81,924

10/12/10 8:48 pm
by Blackmagic16

Need suggestions for a game. girl poison141,555

10/12/10 9:40 am
by girl poison

Best Halo Game to Start With? This thread contains a pollDMan607111,526

10/11/10 8:18 pm
by DMan607

Xbox Live Arcade Recommendations? MTB Mamba212,663

10/11/10 9:51 am
by MTB Mamba

Left 4 dead 2 glitch CountessSaiku71,534

10/11/10 12:16 am
by CountessSaiku

Black Ops Achievments Released BoyzRFlatt31,562

10/10/10 4:10 pm
by Assassin

Borderlands 4th DLC Interplanetary Ninja Assassin ReAl ImPuLsE947,266

10/10/10 12:27 pm
by J Sulli

Finally! Another #1 Leaderboard Spot! Junior142,272

10/09/10 3:28 am
by iKidd

Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Interview Frazzleberry81,814

10/08/10 5:49 pm
by Brandon

possible trade FIFE2621,453

10/08/10 1:45 pm
by PureEvil x21

'Play as Taliban' angle controversial in 'Medal of Honor' celticfann11665,144

10/06/10 3:03 pm
by Mudkip

What should I get? Rapture364,234

10/05/10 9:55 pm
by Assassin

Halo 3: ODST - Vidmaster: Endure Xtreme Nights172,237

10/05/10 8:40 am
by StarRoadWarrior

Brutal Legend battle Solo's HoJo136931,462

10/04/10 5:37 am
by HoJo1369

Gears of War 3 Delayed Unit Fall 2011 ReAl ImPuLsE252,235

10/02/10 11:03 am
by bluntedGRINCH

Fallout:New Vegas SmokedKAOS5591329,871

09/28/10 6:05 am
by mayoman69

Favorite XBox game franchise! mayoman69363,165

09/26/10 10:43 pm
by Katarn StarKiLR

Devil May Cry Reboot Revelation131851,332

09/26/10 9:10 pm
by Biomedical Fire

DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue BigZuDaddy131,892

09/26/10 10:15 am
by Meta

Enslaved: Thoughts mayoman6951,426

09/23/10 8:20 pm
by Melissa Evol