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Moo Lissa

Personal Information
Join Date:Mar 13, 2012
BirthdaySeptember 18th, 1930
Favorite GameOblivion, The Witcher 2, Dragon Age: Origins
Least Favorite GameMayhem 3D
Occupation:Freelance author of boring SEO crap
Interests:Games, crafting, Chinese food
Biography:Email= staff.xboxamerica@gmail.com
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Xbox America Friend

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Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Silver Waffle

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Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

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1,000 Posts

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Gamertag Info
GamertagLady Evol
Moo Lissa's Shoutbox
Meta - 8 years ago

Your XB1 gamerpic gives me aids cancer.

Meta - 8 years ago

No, it's fun and interesting sci-fi. Your left eye is crap!

Meta - 8 years ago

you hate Mass Effect WTAF??

Meta - 8 years ago

I say screw it, buy Witcher 3 Complete instead. It's only $30!

Meta - 8 years ago

I dunno man. Rivals adds a separate but more fleshed out story to play through with your band, but the few other features it adds should have already been in the game, and I'm not a big fan of any of the songs it adds. Hard to recommend unless you can get it on the cheap. Really I'm just annoyed that RB4 is the only decent music game option on xb1 cause it's such a step backwards.

theEVOL1 - 8 years ago


theEVOL1 - 8 years ago


Meta - 8 years ago

you probably are - mine filled in a huge initial lump, then sporadically over like 10 or so days my track list finally filled in. you might need to manually dl a few from the in game store thingy

Meta - 8 years ago

also once you install and update FFXV, do a search in the game store for "holiday pack" and there should be a free small DLC. it doesn't show up in the regular ff15 area

Meta - 8 years ago

after you install and update RB4, go to "manage game" and under "ready to install" you should find most or all of your previous RB DLC songs

Meta - 8 years ago

it's really, really good. highly recommended. it's at Redbox if you can't buy it anytime soon

Meta - 8 years ago

Buy with in-game gil, not real money xD

Meta - 8 years ago

Yeah you can buy soundtracks in the game from all the past FF games plus Dissidia, Kingsglaive and Brotherhood.

Meta - 8 years ago

The combat is weird and chaotic at first, but once you get the hang of it it's fun and addictive. Here's a couple vids I had made to show the game to a friend, no spoilers and the descriptions say what is happening when: https://youtu.be/vqC6EFoUXDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3XIALtZths

Meta - 8 years ago

FFXV is incredibly fun. It is the opposite of 13 -- you START with a huge open world and tons of stuff to do, and then towards the latter 1/3 of the game it becomes story-heavy and linear. But you can still access the previous stuff any time during

Meta - 8 years ago

calm down, watchdogs 2 won't be any good! come play Gears horde or coop with me!

Revelation1318 - 9 years ago

I'm in ALL the hot parties!

Revelation1318 - 9 years ago


DeWayne - 9 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Meta - 9 years ago

Sorry to hear about your pup pup, I hope the results aren't as bad as you're fearing.

Meta - 9 years ago

(kat likes boys, pass it on)

Meta - 9 years ago

(_Y_) ?

PureEvil x21 - 10 years ago

I hope your day of birth is a glorious one.

RSX7 - 10 years ago

Happy birthday

DeWayne - 10 years ago

Happy Birthday!

PureEvil x21 - 10 years ago

Lol, you didn't have to unlock it. That is funny though.

Nick - 10 years ago

BUSY. but I miss you guys so much I might have to start posting on here occasionally

Nick - 10 years ago


Daniel - 10 years ago

Fallout Shelters is funnnnnnnn

Revelation1318 - 10 years ago

I figured as much. Too much awesome sauce for the xbot to handle.