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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
COD 5 This thread contains a polljroo505223,301

05/23/10 12:52 am
by mayoman69

Blur Beta? Ryan31,538

05/22/10 10:12 pm
by breesyst10

More Rock Band metal DLC Ag3ofColossus242,207

05/22/10 8:39 pm
by Mudkip

Xbox LIVE Arcade Games xJollyLlama91,784

05/22/10 12:44 am
by StarRoadWarrior

Gear of war 2 jroo50531,358

05/21/10 11:26 am
by mattd411

Boosting in mw2 reed0tuy0u183,092

05/21/10 3:49 am
by chrisjericho898

borderlands underdome mattd41101,377

05/20/10 8:02 pm
by mattd411

anybody know anything about the Red Dead Redemption Avatar Awards? Mr Awesome231922,531

05/20/10 5:57 pm
by Mr Awesome2319

halo 3 boosting. kingnick23661,575

05/19/10 10:03 pm
by Circus

SPECACT coming to North America Chaind Insanity323,359

05/18/10 7:40 pm
by Xitl

Halo Waypoint thoughts Chaind Insanity11,345

05/18/10 12:46 pm
by AJ

FFXIII - Point of no Return? Mo the Surfer101,864

05/17/10 11:19 pm
by iKhaotic

Rogue Warrior Epic Lou101,655

05/17/10 3:56 pm
by Meta

New MW2 Map Pack June 3rd mayoman6932,349

05/17/10 7:54 am
by AJ

A good FPS? jroo505282,777

05/17/10 6:53 am
by jroo505

Skate 3 Discussions/Reactions Circus384,613

05/17/10 12:27 am
by Circus

Turning point fall of liberty mattd41111,350

05/16/10 9:10 pm
by Mo the Surfer

guitar hero vs rock band question Darth Rankine162,049

05/15/10 10:32 pm
by animefr33k

Pre-order "Exclusive" Bonuses. Revelation1318111,537

05/14/10 8:18 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Metro 2033 DLC Detailed Shock81,517

05/14/10 5:56 pm
by iKhaotic

Have you ever been "PO"'ed enough to write a letter? This thread contains a pollweekspleen282,532

05/14/10 6:41 am
by jroo505

F.E.A.R. 2 iKidd414,811

05/13/10 6:19 am
by Circus

Fallout ideas? Chaind Insanity141,787

05/12/10 10:05 pm
by Noah 9000

Lost Planet 2 General Discussion/Reactions SetsunaFSeiei82,184

05/11/10 11:58 pm
by Circus

OFFICIAL Call of Duty Black Ops discussion J0SH153,498

05/11/10 8:34 am
by J0SH