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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Diablo III Confirmed For Xbox 360 FA Q MAN152,073

06/07/13 10:32 pm
by Vermillion Haze

Frito Lay codes? DeWayne41,647

06/06/13 8:53 am
by DeWayne

Guitar Hero Band Mates DeWayne01,182

06/05/13 8:33 am
by DeWayne

Resident Evil: Revelations The Snapple Cap262,542

06/04/13 4:18 pm
by BeaverHunter

DMC: Devil May Cry (the reboot) The Snapple Cap483,667

05/18/13 10:45 am
by Vermillion Haze

Rainbow 6 Patriots BigZuDaddy293,124

05/17/13 8:37 pm
by BIGP 6

NBA 2k13 thread The Snapple Cap253,366

05/15/13 4:24 am
by Vermillion Haze

spec ops the line discussion/reactions thread The Snapple Cap31,365

05/06/13 4:42 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Closed: Stranglehold/Quantum of Solace Mouth 42011,327

05/03/13 2:43 am
by AJ

WHat was your Biggest Letdown Games? iLike Precision1027,661

05/01/13 1:44 am
by Vermillion Haze

poker night 2 The Snapple Cap131,995

04/27/13 1:04 am
by StarRoadWarrior

Dead or Alive 5 Zulwarn420121,424

04/23/13 11:51 pm
by Vermillion Haze

Lord of the Rings: War in the North Meta41,597

04/23/13 8:15 pm
by Vermillion Haze

The Official Assassin's Creed 3 Thread mcdevlin18213512,963

04/23/13 1:22 pm
by The Snapple Cap

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Grenade Rising132,527

03/31/13 11:31 am
by xSirSwish

Binary Domain: Reactions/Discussion Vermillion Haze131,775

03/25/13 6:14 pm
by Vermillion Haze

Naruto ultimate ninja storm 3 The Snapple Cap41,343

03/17/13 12:02 am
by heathkilljoy

The Gears of War 3 Thread CIA Agent D1,02671,361

03/12/13 2:22 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Resident Evil 6 ReAl ImPuLsE988,343

03/09/13 2:14 am
by heathkilljoy

Crysis 3 thread. The Snapple Cap172,526

02/24/13 11:59 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Xcom: Enemy Unknown R4WR SH4RK303,425

02/20/13 9:10 pm

Aliens: Colonial Marines The Snapple Cap503,911

02/20/13 12:50 am
by The Snapple Cap

Destiny ViDoc - Pathways Out of Darkness SigmaOmega381,431

02/18/13 1:46 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Decade Duels Thoughts/ Discussions Andranik252,942

02/15/13 10:03 pm
by Guns N Gravy

Halo 2 Vista Servers shutting ReAl ImPuLsE212,455

02/14/13 11:15 am
by Mo the Surfer