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Xbox 360 Games

Xbox 360 Games Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Black Ops 2 CONFIRMED! Plus, crossbows in Skyrim, The Walking Dead REVIEWED, & Wii-U MANIA! SigmaOmega331,334

04/28/12 10:18 am
by Mo the Surfer

Warhammer 40k space marine thread sithlord580424,540

04/27/12 8:16 am
by Hektic Juggalo

Ninja Gaiden 3 - Official Thread Revelation131841,993

04/25/12 12:15 am
by BIGP 6

Random RAGE(the game) question ForeverDarkHalo101,622

04/24/12 4:47 pm
by X

Xbox America GTAIV Boosting Night! Moo Lissa473,957

04/24/12 10:31 am
by Mo the Surfer

Which one of these games should i get? This thread contains a pollslicknick3822242,714

04/24/12 10:25 am
by Mo the Surfer

resident evil operation raccoon city BIGP 61038,903

04/23/12 7:38 pm
by Junior

What Game are you looking Forward to in 2012? safemachine554,409

04/16/12 10:27 pm
by slicknick3822

What are you looking forward to later this year? jaggerace21,332

04/14/12 1:04 am
by X

Anyone one up for some Gow 3 RANK TDM xukx Monkeybutt21,337

04/08/12 9:54 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Doritos Crash Course Smasher3941,420

04/04/12 10:17 pm
by Smasher39

NFS ProStreet Community Race Day 2 achievement is active Johnny Broflex51,457

03/29/12 9:13 pm

Resident Evil Code: Veronica X HD help heathkilljoy41,435

03/29/12 8:31 pm
by heathkilljoy

Apples to Apples (Arcade) iLike Precision11,313

03/29/12 6:06 pm
by iLike Precision

Armored Core V Vermillion Haze31,536

03/27/12 6:09 pm
by BillyCoyle321

Rumor: Sacred 2 server closing Minioger31,911

03/27/12 12:04 am
by MetallicaGhost

Forza 3 Help?! mayoman69242,935

03/16/12 10:34 am
by Zyzzy75

gears 3 event sat march 17 knightnomore21,886

03/14/12 2:09 pm
by BIGP 6

Thoughts, comments, reactions on the current selection of Kinect labs Mastercamo31,417

03/13/12 9:30 pm
by BeaverHunter

Street Fighter X Tekken official thread The Snapple Cap262,369

03/11/12 5:19 pm
by Setsuna

Just Finished Gears 3 E Rock 3111,669

03/08/12 11:20 pm
by Johnny Broflex

Favorite Monday Night Combat class Ryan41,744

03/08/12 1:02 pm
by Mishka xoxo

An old and lonely FPS.. Mishka xoxo21,439

03/08/12 12:49 pm
by Mishka xoxo

UFC Undisputed 2009 I 3at Beaver51,500

03/05/12 12:11 pm
by jaggerace

The Resident Evil 6 leaked cutscene Frazzleberry41,439

03/03/12 1:40 am
by BIGP 6