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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Just a heads up for all you slower folks... :) AJ162,295

10/09/09 12:55 am
by AJ

Closed: My Raiden IV Review chrisarcade41,369

10/08/09 5:56 pm
by Hektic Juggalo

If you could "revive" a series and have it on the 360... ImpureKing44855,151

10/08/09 4:54 pm
by Meta

100,000 Gamer Score SICMAGGOTS4LIFE906,393

10/08/09 12:56 am

Borderlands blackTIEmurder51,633

10/07/09 10:21 am
by animefr33k

1000ED Jericho SICMAGGOTS4LIFE81,617

10/07/09 1:09 am
by Epic Lou

Fallout 3 Theme for buying all 5 DLC's AJ303,271

10/06/09 10:20 pm
by AJ

BASKETBALL IS HERE EA OR 2K This thread contains a pollSHEEM81,552

10/06/09 8:18 pm
by brents23

Pocketbike Racer?? SICMAGGOTS4LIFE262,137

10/06/09 8:16 pm
by Noah 9000

JuniorMT's Quest to 100K Junior323,054

10/06/09 7:56 am
by Jared

Xbox Live trouble Oren Naveda111,613

10/05/09 8:56 pm
by Clintercourse

Modern Warfare 2 Achievements BackHolePuncher314,050

10/04/09 6:30 pm
by Detroit

Gaming Dreams The UNSC222,448

10/03/09 9:42 pm
by Minioger

Should having all achievements on disc be considered maxed? ImpureKing4481,661

10/03/09 2:28 pm
by AJ

How Often Does this site "refresh" stats? GoingPostal00022,971

10/03/09 12:04 pm
by GoingPostal000

Where is that....? Detroit182,466

10/02/09 5:19 pm
by IRiSH

Closed: Turtle Beach x41 or Trittion AX Pro? orange202313,450

09/29/09 10:23 pm
by orange20

Left 4 Dead new DLC in Sept. DeafeningLime614,569

09/29/09 9:31 pm
by Taco

Post your avatar This thread contains a pollThe UNSC623,674

09/29/09 4:48 pm
by Taco

Trick discovered to get EU Batman:AA DLC ImpureKing4421,546

09/27/09 10:06 am
by Nemesis Mask

Halo 2 PC...? SICMAGGOTS4LIFE41,539

09/26/09 11:12 pm
by Detroit

The R.I.P. Thread iKidd302,945

09/26/09 5:19 pm
by iKidd

ODST's Nathan Fillion Interview Bullets Chase01,237

09/26/09 12:32 pm
by Bullets Chase

gamertag change Sly31,598

09/26/09 10:32 am
by Jackson


09/25/09 12:06 am
by Melissa Evol