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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Old gamertags being released to the public ZombieShellHead153,908

03/17/11 7:43 pm
by AJ

Boosting NFS shift is interested TrueWickedone141,534

03/17/11 3:19 pm
by AJ

web browser or not for 360 This thread contains a pollSHEEM474,062

03/16/11 2:17 pm
by Demonic Aspects

Major Achievement Glitch! GS RESET WORTHY? C0LDH3ARTED152,571

03/09/11 11:03 pm
by Katarn StarKiLR

Recruiting Dragon Age fans APOPHIS1989734,613

03/08/11 7:32 pm
by Wrothgar2009

Whats the worst game you ever played TCS Taeger1148,234

03/08/11 8:38 am
by Kevinovnov

160 MS Points,What Should I get?? FreedTheHeart52,857

03/03/11 12:54 pm
by FreedTheHeart

MGC.net breesyst10243,352

03/02/11 12:24 pm

New Reach Armor Chaind Insanity272,844

02/28/11 10:08 pm
by ShadowMachine X

kids of gaming parents, rejoice! Chaind Insanity101,436

02/24/11 6:57 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Xbox 360 won't read any discs!! SigmaOmega3122,510

02/21/11 10:41 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Linking account to paypal and auto on/off HR2136171,473

02/18/11 7:35 pm
by Darth Rankine

Marvel vs Capcom 3 demo? Magnum XIII41,994

02/18/11 4:32 pm
by Darth Rankine

Anyone online that could help me real quick Circus41,233

02/14/11 7:17 am
by CypherDextrous

Vanquish iKidd192,861

02/12/11 3:55 pm
by Revelation1318

Gamertag HoF Ryan162,292

02/10/11 2:35 pm
by Meta

Windows Phone 7 question Katarn StarKiLR41,566

02/07/11 2:55 am
by iKidd

I found a game that takes less skill than black ops lll PAPOOSE lll21,432

02/07/11 12:24 am
by lll PAPOOSE lll

how big is your account? Chaind Insanity111,667

02/05/11 11:26 pm
by Demonic Aspects

What's the hardest achievement you ever got on the xbox 360? SigmaOmega3202,753

02/04/11 5:21 pm
by punchuintheeye

Help w/ HD setup Leo Ascendent312,630

01/27/11 11:12 pm
by Hydrocannon

breach lll PAPOOSE lll91,826

01/27/11 1:42 pm
by bluntedGRINCH

MLB 2k6 Help AJ81,458

01/26/11 6:12 pm
by AJ

UK pal 360 irish032561,367

01/25/11 6:36 pm
by Demonic Aspects

Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points MTB Mamba152,629

01/25/11 2:46 pm
by Bay