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Personal Information
Join Date:Jan 9, 2009
BirthdayApril 22nd
Favorite GameGolden Eye,Perfect dark XBLA and N64 Version
Hardest AchievementMile High Club! and Star 69!
Funniest AchievementThe Fever (Shadow Run)
Occupation:College Grad.
Interests:SlipKnoT, Video Games,\m/Heavy Metal\m/, \m/Black Metal\m/
Biography:I met SlipKnoT on May 4th 2004 and I have a signed Poster and pictures to prove it, Best day of my life.
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.


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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
Sän Fränçisçö 49ers fan since 1997! ( Š Ï Ç )
Cangemi - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

DeWayne - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 11 years ago

Happy birthday!

BillJones0302 - 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

Meta - 11 years ago

fuck yes man, we all do. we call it a hobby but we all know it's an addiction }:D

Meta - 11 years ago

finally getting around to Blands2, yeah? what do you think of it so far?

Team x Swelly - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Mike Vick - 14 years ago

Happy B-day man! Slipknot \m/

BillJones0302 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 14 years ago

Thank you man just bought it and took a sic ass pic! May slipknot live on fucc what everyone says about them! Just wish they come bacc to the U.S instead of europe :(

- 14 years ago

Ok cool thanks thats the siccest shirt ever!!! Am buying that shit now!

- 14 years ago

Where did u get that shirt!!!!!!!!

EnemyBritBomber - 14 years ago

hey post on the thread for turok boosting since the even was cancelled for some reason

- 15 years ago

If you want to join http://abstract360.com/forum/index.php?referrerid=36 we only have a little over 100 members and we are looking for more

Meta - 15 years ago

how are you liking Dante's Inferno?

Circus - 15 years ago

i saw u had a thread for dark sector boostin a few months back, u still need to boost on it? i need someone to play that with

Super Hyper X - 15 years ago

I don't know if your going to be on tonight, but let me know.

SICMAGGOTS4LIFE - 15 years ago

check out my ebay/half account out @ >> http://shops.half.ebay.com/maggot4life888_W0QQmZvideoQ2dgames

rudyj2112 - 15 years ago

Noone I know has the game

rudyj2112 - 15 years ago

Hey I would like to help booost for hour of victory MP achievements, just give me a message when your good.

mattd411 - 15 years ago

hey man sorry i couldn't make it my computer was down

bluntedGRINCH - 15 years ago

Yeah thats kinda funny i think that happened to everyone!! Just let me know when you make another one.

FishSquared - 15 years ago

Totally cool! I was busy too lol!

bonedaddy83 - 15 years ago

That's cool man. I got caught up playing the Wii with my parents and son. We will do it sometime soon man!! :D

Krueger1428 - 15 years ago

I wasn't on either.

Meta - 15 years ago

fuck yeah |m| nice 1k in MW2, i bet the last couple spec ops were a bitch

bluntedGRINCH - 15 years ago

Thats cool im down I also have a friend (bluntedfish) who also has this game and would be down to help out.