Archived: 100,000 Gamer Score
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100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:21 am | #1
I Finally Reached Over 100,000 Gamer Score, One of the greatest feelings I've Endured Thus Far In My Life
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:23 am | #2
congratulations, how do you like WET?
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:31 am | #3
I liked WET alot. said it was shitty but I really Enjoyed it......... If you liked Max Payne or Stranglehold you should Def check it out
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:39 am | #4
I'm playing it now and don't like it very much the shooting bothers me very bad but it didn't in max payne or strangle hold(which I only played a demo of)
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:40 am | #5
I guess it's not for everyone then
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 5:47 am | #6
lulz congrats on 100k
youve played Mini Ninjas? how is it? i was gonna try and get the demo but my account says im like 15 or 16 (lulz i know, i shoulda put older, but whatever) and the demo was rated "RP" so i couldnt get is it?
youve played Mini Ninjas? how is it? i was gonna try and get the demo but my account says im like 15 or 16 (lulz i know, i shoulda put older, but whatever) and the demo was rated "RP" so i couldnt get is it?
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 8:44 am | #7
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 8:46 am | #8
Grats dude
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 8:56 am | #9 you can see I am knocking on that door myself.....I really enjoyed Mini Ninja's
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 10:09 am | #10
Congrats and I got long way to go for 100,00GS
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 10:14 am | #11
Way to go. Now set your sights on 150k.
I'm in the "I like Wet" camp. It's really fun, challenging, and INTERESTING with some new stuff I've never seen in games before. It's a bit frustrating at times when you have to play the same battle arena a half dozen times to work out your strategy, but that's part of the beauty of the game.
I'm in the "I like Wet" camp. It's really fun, challenging, and INTERESTING with some new stuff I've never seen in games before. It's a bit frustrating at times when you have to play the same battle arena a half dozen times to work out your strategy, but that's part of the beauty of the game.
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 11:17 am | #13
Congrats... welcome to the club, bro!
Re: 100,000 Gamer Score
09/18/09 11:39 am | #14
Congrats man!
09/18/09 12:13 pm | #15
is it really that good?