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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
e3 2013 Thread cmp20051399,599

06/16/13 1:41 am
by The Snapple Cap

head set problem Darth Rankine01,217

06/11/13 4:32 pm
by Darth Rankine

Pizza Hut App FA Q MAN91,673

04/25/13 12:10 pm
by Vermillion Haze

Closed: Beatles Rockband Drummer Mouth 42041,470

04/22/13 7:52 pm
by AJ

Closed: XBOX LIVE DOWN ? Mouth 42011,299

04/13/13 5:48 pm
by AJ

Need Help with EA Online Pass GentlemanJack4041,641

04/01/13 9:28 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Why we don't need a new X-Box Bills4815162342111,672

03/28/13 8:36 pm
by Meta

Why do you think the Call of Duty series is so infamous? Derpy Hooves v161,442

03/16/13 11:46 pm
by Derpy Hooves v1

The Most ANNOYING Achievement... Mr914595,396

03/16/13 11:27 am
by Derpy Hooves v1

How did you start gaming?? slicknick3822202,833

03/09/13 12:56 am
by Time Victim

cheap xbox gold subs irish032521,456

03/02/13 10:14 pm
by BIGP 6

I am working on... (insert game name) ASSASSIN K1301,385

02/14/13 9:43 am

how many times have you changed your gt lll PAPOOSE lll1207,970

02/14/13 8:37 am
by DeWayne

Favorite Zombie Games? R4WR SH4RK293,102

02/14/13 7:55 am

First Game You Completed Daemon303,244

02/14/13 7:55 am

Call of duty emblem for the 360 ANTHRAX128771,618

02/07/13 4:34 pm
by ANTHRAX1287

Closed: What is your Gamerscore Goal for 2012? Heaven In Vain1188,288

01/21/13 11:30 pm
by Heils1578

Minioger is douche. AJ404,731

01/18/13 2:50 am
by IRiSH

Killer Instinct..Let's Get'em chrisarcade273,490

01/13/13 4:22 pm
by Junior

Xbox arcade retail discs Fantasytails81,824

01/10/13 3:41 am
by Dvader83

Japan/other formats? Bitz51,577

01/02/13 4:10 pm
by Minioger

360 is better than Xbox 720 PirateLegend112,177

01/02/13 1:53 pm
by Chaind Insanity

Nine Men's Morris in AC3 DrTthNLctrcMyhm11,927

01/02/13 1:43 am
by Minioger

Weekly Gamerscore Competitions Leaderboard KnuckPuck525,762

01/01/13 1:02 am
by Bardfor

New xbox live account? z Siilent x51,424

12/24/12 11:55 pm
by z Siilent x