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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
EA Closing Servers Bay262,824

02/01/10 4:54 pm
by Not a Valid User

Halo3 Mythic xX MEX ICON Xx51,395

01/31/10 4:06 pm
by AJ

Easy Arcade Games..? AJ283,191

01/31/10 2:25 pm
by Grenade Rising

How to open my NAT xX MEX ICON Xx51,965

01/31/10 2:23 pm

Awards? Jeremy21,902

01/30/10 6:04 pm
by AJ

Closed: ADMIN HELP PLZ AuthenticVIP111,663

01/30/10 9:35 am
by Minioger

Windows 7 & Media Center Vs. 360 Frankie207371,562

01/30/10 9:28 am
by Frankie2073

Civil War Secret Missions Help AJ91,451

01/29/10 9:36 pm
by Noah 9000

Sniping? This thread contains a pollJeremy131,655

01/29/10 11:52 am
by Darth Rankine

Whats more important......... A Unique Yeti413,065

01/29/10 9:06 am
by CHASE1494

my NAT settings Noah 9000212,151

01/28/10 4:41 pm
by Mudkip

Closed: I Broke X-Thousand Thread* Ecliipse31,360

01/27/10 4:49 pm
by PureEvil x21

An important update about the Xbox Live Service ReAl ImPuLsE51,503

01/25/10 5:54 pm
by Not a Valid User

1,500th achievement Mudkip152,317

01/24/10 11:16 pm
by AJ

Best Headset The Pancake Guy202,734

01/24/10 6:31 pm
by Meta

New to xbox america Silver Sluggr302,717

01/24/10 5:51 pm
by Meta

First Achievements BoyzRFlatt403,409

01/24/10 4:33 pm
by Ricky

F#@*ing DVD-ROM is Out Killer Carroll31,368

01/24/10 1:52 pm
by Super Hyper X

I can't wait till (insert game title or movie title) comes out xHOT BOXIN 420X182,174

01/24/10 7:04 am
by Nidhoggsfang

Alan wake? This thread contains a pollCHASE1494101,410

01/22/10 8:08 am
by Melissa Evol

Tie-in games. Not a Valid User51,326

01/21/10 1:10 pm
by Not a Valid User

Server glitch Gone Haywire in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 The Waffle Guy365,648

01/20/10 5:43 am
by xEvilx BumBle B

Community Playdate Recap Durtie212,134

01/19/10 10:04 pm
by Meta

Closed: Favorite MW2 Classes iiTz F4T4L234,586

01/17/10 12:43 am
by Blackmagic16

Cooking With BOOMER!!!!!! Biscuit11,736

01/16/10 5:50 pm
by Super Hyper X