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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
I hate Lego Star Wars II. Grenade Rising21,342

06/02/09 7:42 pm
by Grenade Rising

Two Accounts Question SquirmyRacer81,672

06/01/09 3:55 am
by SquirmyRacer

Friendly Gamerscore Competition # 18 Junior332,957

05/31/09 11:51 pm
by Top Dogs 360

Stallion83: The man, the myth, the legend. Grenade Rising71,863

05/31/09 12:28 am

Gamefly : good or bad idea celticfann11202,583

05/29/09 9:49 pm
by Blackmagic16

Lego Star Wars II PLEASE HELP Grenade Rising21,534

05/28/09 11:50 pm
by System

Xbox meet Zune, Zune meet Xbox BigZuDaddy21,447

05/28/09 4:31 pm
by Shockwave

Xbox 3? Xbox 720? Your thoughts? Detroit554,146

05/27/09 10:05 pm
by Detroit

Can you guys do me a favor? TS x PaSSiON51,552

05/25/09 8:29 pm
by Meta

Xbox Live +Reputation LegacY162,513

05/25/09 7:28 pm
by Mudkip

Friendly Gamerscore Competition # 17 Junior493,767

05/25/09 12:47 am
by Top Dogs 360

Need help in CoD World at War please read if you have this game Grenade Rising11,459

05/24/09 4:12 am
by TK Chillin

Most bad-ass villain of all time? Grenade Rising182,245

05/24/09 1:06 am
by Krueger1428


05/23/09 6:06 pm

Wish I was in Vegas today... Mikey01,293

05/23/09 5:20 pm
by Mikey

How do you get the 1 vs 100 beta Swag Barrel21,571

05/23/09 12:22 am
by Kamikaze8

Xbox Wish List. Detroit41,602

05/22/09 12:23 pm
by Detroit

The Achievement Thread! iKidd1087,930

05/20/09 1:08 am
by Meta

Walmart & Game Trading Xc Livewire cX62,237

05/18/09 10:36 pm
by bonedaddy83

Upgrading my HDD? sourdaddyjones111,479

05/16/09 3:03 pm
by IRiSH

Amazing Machinima Nemesis Mask11,665

05/16/09 2:37 pm
by Nemesis Mask

RRoD woes again.... Mikey71,673

05/16/09 1:18 am
by Mikey

Painted up my Elite! Junior262,513

05/15/09 5:47 pm
by LegacY

Friendly gamerscore competition 16.5 mikemnsn51,493

05/14/09 2:28 am
by Nemesis Mask

Need help with xbox 360 HDMI Question! LegacY61,850

05/11/09 9:54 pm
by Detroit