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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Game Idea Disscussion and legal protection? C0LDH3ARTED41,580

03/09/10 6:29 pm
by xRoWx Assassin

Battlefield 2 Major Glitch Not a Valid User152,221

03/09/10 10:03 am
by Adrian

Street Fighter IV Avatar Gear...is past due :( Junior71,655

03/09/10 9:14 am
by CHASE1494

Tuesday is gonna be great! CHASE1494222,242

03/09/10 7:51 am
by CHASE1494

Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points? Daniel252,568

03/08/10 4:57 pm
by Sean

IW Rumor Not a Valid User433,288

03/08/10 8:10 am
by animefr33k

Music Game Achievements Disccusion Thread Xtreme Nights91,622

03/06/10 8:31 am
by Meta

Love Xbox LIVE? Declare yourself and vote! Stake172,750

03/05/10 3:11 pm
by x Brie Bear x

More bad news for Activision. Circus91,526

03/05/10 9:31 am
by CHASE1494

Anyone need 48 Hours? Daniel21,860

03/04/10 10:31 pm
by Super Hyper X

Closed: Xbox 360 Upgrade called (Xbox Natal) SigmaOmega3493,418

03/03/10 10:47 pm
by Minioger

Why is the Xbox360 the superior console out of all consoles? SigmaOmega351,536

03/02/10 11:42 pm
by orange20

Check out this sweet website Jeremy61,554

03/02/10 10:02 am
by CHASE1494

I just won MS points, but is this legit? Stake131,756

03/01/10 11:41 am
by IO IW IN xAG3x

Premium themes should come with the games weekspleen162,302

02/27/10 1:08 pm
by Mudkip

Anyone else get the Free Code? Daniel131,765

02/26/10 9:51 am
by APOPHIS1989

We had a great turnout! CHASE149431,490

02/26/10 9:06 am
by CHASE1494

What to get? ALXander333101,552

02/26/10 9:06 am
by CHASE1494

Perfect Dark Arcade To Include GoldenEye Multiplayer Maps Muppets Rule131,872

02/25/10 1:21 pm
by Mudkip

Beautiful Katamari chachster151,967

02/25/10 9:26 am
by CHASE1494

Achievements Not Popping Up Tom Auditore de Firenze142,262

02/24/10 3:39 pm
by Noah 9000

Arete Seven J0SH72,013

02/24/10 8:04 am
by CHASE1494

what to play? milkhelmets41,696

02/22/10 9:12 pm
by Daniel

Anyone else? Circus182,503

02/22/10 10:12 am
by milkhelmets

Best Gun Jeremy101,669

02/21/10 10:18 pm
by Daniel