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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
The current state of JRPGS... ImpureKing44503,937

09/24/09 9:22 pm
by Detroit

xbox live update smoking volvo 71,345

09/24/09 11:54 am
by bluntedGRINCH

NBA 2K8: Anyone want to help me boost it? Chris Charp 01121,324

09/23/09 4:49 pm
by Chris Charp 011

Valve Forced to Charge for Left 4 Dead Expansion Pack Shockwave372,946

09/23/09 11:53 am
by AJ

BiA: Committed..? AJ172,316

09/22/09 1:21 pm
by LA JoHnSoN 204

Nhl 10 leauge and EA Sports Hockey League Achievement Boosting KnuckPuck11,321

09/21/09 9:28 pm
by Biscuit

Xbox Live New Member iKidd72,056

09/21/09 5:50 pm
by PureEvil x21

How much do you "socialize" with your xbox friends? ImpureKing44473,739

09/21/09 12:50 am
by animefr33k

.....what the hell?! iKidd81,678

09/20/09 10:52 pm
by Mudkip

Horde Help AJ91,638

09/20/09 10:43 am
by Bay

360 Vs PS3: Who has the better titles? ImpureKing44573,993

09/19/09 2:06 pm
by ImpureKing44

Do you have "gaming tantrums" ImpureKing44705,101

09/15/09 11:24 pm
by celticfann11

What Is The Hardest Achievement You Ever Got? Xtreme Nights655,116

09/15/09 2:29 am
by bamaredwingsfan

Why Did You get an Xbox360? The UNSC292,801

09/14/09 12:39 am
by AJ

Brother In Arms 0 Point Achievements KnuckPuck41,396

09/13/09 2:10 pm
by Crustyhippy

Xbox transfer Kit XxSh4dowxX31,393

09/13/09 1:08 am
by AuthenticVIP

Need ppl for RE5 DLC Boost Right Now !!! ImpureKing4401,176

09/12/09 9:25 pm
by ImpureKing44

True Achievements.com AaronTWright235,140

09/12/09 1:07 am
by IRiSH

Resident Evil 5 DLC Boosting ImpureKing4481,568

09/11/09 8:32 pm
by ImpureKing44

BATMAN!!! Bubbles172,981

09/11/09 5:28 pm
by ImpureKing44

Beatles Rock Band Finally Out IRiSH332,888

09/11/09 5:31 am
by AuthenticVIP

The Beatles RB Contest: favorite songs ever! AuthenticVIP12,454

09/11/09 12:42 am
by IRiSH

Halo 3 ODST Trailer Intense Element21,299

09/11/09 12:30 am
by ImpureKing44

Beatles Special Edition Console Tom Auditore de Firenze121,760

09/10/09 11:24 pm
by Noah 9000

Gears of War Problems... AJ51,414

09/10/09 7:04 pm
by AJ