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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed: What!? blurzieblurz11,571

07/30/10 6:59 pm
by Minioger

medal of honor beta Tupac9671141,782

07/29/10 2:34 am
by The Snapple Cap

Whats your 360 set-up like! Moon Knight 875655,785

07/29/10 1:39 am
by Greg

Closed: Gears of war 2 help plzzzz EnemyBritBomber152,020

07/27/10 10:01 am
by Minioger

Xbox 360 Fans we need you EnemyBritBomber01,351

07/26/10 3:11 pm
by EnemyBritBomber

Red Rings of Death on my Elite Now Junior504,230

07/25/10 9:19 pm
by APOPHIS1989

Whats Your Gears of War 2, CoD: 5, etc. Rank? joe14636252,472

07/25/10 2:41 pm
by Circus

360 model comparisons Meta32,814

07/24/10 10:23 am
by Dewton

1 Day Only Achievement KnuckPuck232,762

07/23/10 1:24 am
by xxx The Iz xxx

Where in the hell is 1vs100?! Common Fatality202,906

07/23/10 1:20 am
by xxx The Iz xxx

MEDAL OF HONOR BETA Released Today! Junior122,606

07/21/10 12:32 pm
by cmp2005

Kinect Hands-On Review Scarface1183,689

07/21/10 9:19 am
by ComMandeR SouR

Closed: 688,215 is that possible??? sprinter461192,444

07/19/10 7:16 pm
by Meta

AX720's with a HDMI cable Durtie11,548

07/17/10 2:59 pm
by Durtie

Finally an easier way (game room theme achievement) IWB97OMT81,663

07/16/10 9:00 pm
by Meta

Congrats to Craig Furious! AJ141,627

07/15/10 11:18 am
by Bay

best perk & weapon combos codmw2 soundEFX70131,997

07/11/10 11:12 pm
by Circus

Achievements: The Easiest, The Hardest, and The Most Ingenious BigZuDaddy324,458

07/10/10 2:14 pm
by Sean

Closed: Lets Trash Talk Those Other Consoles Aker 8691,584

07/09/10 11:43 pm
by Meta

XBLA Gets a Makeover BigZuDaddy01,041

07/07/10 9:46 pm
by BigZuDaddy

Transformers: War for Cybertron Double XP weekend Shock212,160

07/07/10 11:06 am
by Taco

The Secret of Monkey Island 2®: Le Chuck's Revenge Special Edition iKidd92,139

07/06/10 7:03 pm
by iKidd

Username Change Grenade Rising81,573

07/05/10 12:23 pm
by Grenade Rising

$400 and wondering what to buy breesyst1071,543

07/05/10 12:23 am
by The Snapple Cap

CCR 12 Pack Coming to Rock Band Store IRiSH52,849

07/03/10 1:11 am
by KnuckPuck