Archived: gamertag change
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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gamertag change
09/26/09 7:37 am | #1
So i've changed my gamertag from svtmustangcobra to bobblehead jay. I was just wondering if my GT will update on sights like xba and 360voice or if i have to create new profiles for every website now that has that gamertag?
Re: gamertag change
09/26/09 9:12 am | #2
LAWL at sig
Re: gamertag change
09/26/09 10:30 am | #3
Just change it in the profile settings..
Re: gamertag change
09/26/09 10:32 am | #4
You'll have to let the sites know that your gamertag has changed. On Xbox America you change it through this page. For 360Voice, I believe you need to send them an email and they'll change it for you.
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