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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Sticky: I Just Broke (Insert Number Here) DeWayne2,589190,434

03/07/25 7:30 pm
by DeWayne

Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name) C0LDH3ARTED8,195389,641

03/02/25 11:13 am
by DeWayne

Sticky: Game Completion Leaderboard 2.0 Dvader837,044490,007

02/17/25 2:44 pm
by Dvader83

Sticky: Free Redeem Code Thread 2.0 BoyzRFlatt1,035131,909

07/18/16 8:54 pm
by Mike G

Sticky: Code Request/Trading Thread Taco2,013200,594

01/24/16 8:03 pm

Sticky: Vote here for your 2013 game of the year! This thread contains a pollMeta162,889

12/31/13 8:55 am
by Timm the Zombie

Your last unlocked achievement... ImpureKing445,242249,238

12/11/24 2:47 pm
by Dvader83

The Thank You Thread iKidd60744,600

09/20/17 11:32 pm
by Moo Lissa

Just Started (Insert Games Name) CRAWFORD22016,965

09/26/16 6:36 pm
by Mo the Surfer

What was the last game you beat? xxx The Iz xxx1,12065,301

09/06/15 9:10 am
by DeWayne

Your thought on the Gaming industry Ml2 Moon Man41,885

03/31/15 2:44 pm
by Q8J3 Austin

marvel thread X23619,297

02/11/15 10:11 am
by BoyzRFlatt

What games have you preordered? Clap That Fool13710,368

01/15/15 1:51 pm
by Sith Dragon DDG

Closed: a time to rant. feistiestcoast412,125

12/19/14 11:13 pm
by AJ

problems with a game loading. Katarn StarKiLR31,835

12/01/14 9:25 am
by feistiestcoast4

How many Xbox's have you owned? punchuintheeye13111,202

11/28/14 11:43 pm
by Daemon

So what you playing atm?! ^.^ StovetopGnome30118,234

09/04/14 9:57 am
by DeWayne

Help finding MAC number on 360 BoyzRFlatt31,854

08/25/14 8:24 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Possible hardware issue Dvader83304,561

08/04/14 3:17 am
by Dvader83

How long have you been a member of xbox? Derpy Hooves v1384,951

07/22/14 6:28 am
by DeWayne

Players acquiring canceled games? Katarn StarKiLR42,174

07/15/14 4:31 pm
by Katarn StarKiLR

longest completion from first to last achievement??? C0LDH3ARTED384,947

07/06/14 7:41 am
by Sith Dragon DDG

What is the most difficult achievement and the most time consuming achievement that you have unlocked to date? ToD Resurrector182,857

06/14/14 6:33 pm
by ToD Resurrector

Corruptted save Katarn StarKiLR22,134

06/01/14 4:35 am
by ShadowMachine X

What are your top ten Lukemanfresh11,910

05/08/14 11:06 pm
by The Snapple Cap