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360 Talk

360 Talk Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Name Your 360 Grenade Rising363,601

07/18/09 3:22 pm
by AJ

Battlefield 1943's Coral Sea Now Unlocked KnuckPuck212,361

07/18/09 1:29 pm
by ww2boy101

Kings of Leon Debut in Rock Band next week - 7/21 IRiSH21,276

07/17/09 3:27 pm
by Stake

Microsoft to open stores? DeafeningLime41,419

07/17/09 1:20 am
by Sean

if u could only play one game what would it be?? brents23212,218

07/17/09 12:25 am
by APOPHIS1989

stallion83 number 2? brents23414,206

07/17/09 12:00 am
by orange20

1080p on Xbox 360 Elite w/HDMI MTB Mamba101,770

07/15/09 2:55 am
by futiles

Battlefield 1943 WTF? IRiSH584,677

07/14/09 8:51 pm
by Greg

Game Addict 101 Aker 86223,054

07/14/09 8:43 pm
by Taco

Gamesaving. Tom Auditore de Firenze354,281

07/14/09 8:19 pm
by Stake

If you could add something to the Dashboard. Jared383,009

07/14/09 3:56 pm
by Noah 9000

Formally Known As (insert past gamertags here) C0LDH3ARTED734,893

07/13/09 6:03 pm

Question about selling my 360. Grenade Rising131,367

07/13/09 1:59 am
by Stake

Game Completion Competition KnuckPuck61,487

07/13/09 12:40 am
by orange20

Competition Solutions PureEvil x21373,233

07/12/09 4:09 pm
by Detroit

Starting Gears of War... Help! AJ101,445

07/12/09 10:01 am
by AJ

RROD/E74 HELP! Grenade Rising212,299

07/11/09 9:50 pm
by orange20

Remember all of the Unlock Xbox stuff? Jared232,442

07/11/09 5:18 am
by CrooklynMayo

Red Rings = Third time is not a charm Junior91,455

07/10/09 10:18 pm
by Mike93

What Should I Get? KnuckPuck31,666

07/10/09 7:45 pm
by KnuckPuck

NCAA 2010 Falconz8321,902

07/10/09 6:16 pm
by Detroit

Headset Problems BigZuDaddy152,111

07/10/09 2:09 am
by Tom Auditore de Firenze

Modern Warfare 2 Achievements KnuckPuck122,064

07/10/09 1:11 am
by Mudkip

~Clan Recruitment~ TS x PaSSiON31,563

07/09/09 10:02 pm
by TS x PaSSiON

Where do you complain for cheating? KnuckPuck81,555

07/09/09 12:04 pm
by Jake51S