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Vermillion Haze

Personal Information
Join Date:Jul 12, 2011
BirthdayApril 17th, 1987
Favorite GameThe Darkness, Lost Odyssey, Fallout 3, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect II, The Elder Scrolls V, Saints Row: The Third, Gears of War 3, GTA V
Least Favorite GameTwo Worlds, Risen, Gothic 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Alan Wake, Brink, Crackdown, GTA IV
Hardest AchievementMission Rank SS - Armored Core 4A
Funniest AchievementOw My Balls! - Saints Row: The Third - Awarded for testicle assault.
PlayStation Network:Aeon-Rising
Facebook:Ask me.
Twitter:Go to hell.
Occupation:United States Army / Swag Coach / Tech Support/ Pokemon Master/ Blitzball Ace
Interests:Gaming, Anime, Movies, Literature, Espionage, Sports, Motorcycles
Biography:Vermillion Haze is a sentient ape that lives in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. He is mostly water.
Vermillion Haze's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

This user has written over 1,000 posts. Rock on!

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight

This Xbox America member has been featured in the Monthly Community Spotlight.

Discussion Sparker
Discussion Sparker

This user created a thread which attracted 150 or more replies.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
GamertagVermillion Haze
Vermillion Haze's Shoutbox
Meta - 10 years ago

hey did you get DOA5LR on xb1 or ps4? let me know if ya want to boost achievements or fight for real or whatever, mayn

Mo the Surfer - 10 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

DeWayne - 10 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Meta - 10 years ago

yeah I have type 0 on the way now, the more I read about it the better it sounds

Meta - 10 years ago

Helldivers does look pretty great, and i need a PS4 to play that crazy Onechanbara Z2

Meta - 10 years ago

glad to see the PS4 didnt steal you away from us completely, dont be a stranger meow

SeanPCannon - 10 years ago

Thanks-- Happy New Year!

Meta - 10 years ago

yeah, i played a bit with the roomies, we mainly did 3v3 and then ARAM when it came out, i used Cho'gath and Kayle. what and who do you play?

Meta - 10 years ago

Let me know what you think of warlords of draenor

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

league is awful

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

scrubs play on ps4

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

to actually play with people?

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

true. im assuming you'll be playing on ps4.

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

probably won't use it

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

yeah it was

The Snapple Cap - 10 years ago

well episode 5 in walking dead escalated real quick

Moo Lissa - 11 years ago

Lollllll thanks for the bad rpg porn.

SeanPCannon - 11 years ago

Cool, it's all installed & ready to go... just screen-writing another 30 pages & make two clients happy on an edit in the afternoon... and my body will be Reggie ready tuesday night. I'm doing a warlock class-

SeanPCannon - 11 years ago

Got Destiny @ midnight launch- installing now but won't be able to play until tomorrow night- gotta make work deadlines

SeanPCannon - 11 years ago

Oh I just meant you made the random gaming forum, and you're an RPG guy- chalk it up to lack of sleep. Ride to Hell is a lot longer than I thought, for 9.99 I thought I'd jet through that, and Dark, for the experience- Dark was pretty cool, maybe 75% through RtH, might as well complete it, at this point.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

nope october is too packed to buy a last gen game.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

yeah im gonna get it at some point

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

so many games this year, especially with beyond 2 souls hd rerelease

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

i have it downloaded already just need to find time lmao. its gonna be tough with destiny next week, but fortunately not much comes out in the middle of the month worth picking up.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

oh and walking dead episode 5 still as well.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

nah been playing hotline miami on vita and madden on xbox one. school started back up again so my gaming time got cut down. I still need to play the infamous dlc and metro redux games.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

I ended up buying it last nigh l

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

no how is it

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

cool beans.

The Snapple Cap - 11 years ago

can't wait, i havent played it yet and havent had it spoiled somehow.