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Heaven In Vain

Personal Information
Join Date:Jun 28, 2011
BirthdayMarch 27th
Favorite GameElder Scrolls IV
Least Favorite GameTo Many To List
Hardest AchievementOne Great Career in nhl 2012
Occupation:Spending money
Interests:Gaming,football,hockey,baseball,sports etc etc
Biography:19,Engaged,Angry looking.Thats all you gotta know.First person on xbox live to get the one great career achievement in nhl 2012 and a week before anyone else got it
Heaven In Vain's Awards
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Xbox America Sponsor
Xbox America Sponsor

This user has donated $15+ to Xbox America.

Xbox America Benefactor
Xbox America Benefactor

This user has donated $50+ to Xbox America.

Xbox America Backer
Xbox America Backer

This user has donated $100+ to Xbox America.

Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.

Head of State
Head of State

This user has one of the highest gamerscores in his or her region.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
GamertagHeaven In Vain
Heaven In Vain's Shoutbox
GunzBlazn - 12 years ago

You'll donate $100 to Xbox America, but you won't "break a Benjamin" for the Xbox One? I'm going to shell out all the money and just buy it.

Coma Red - 12 years ago

Great editorial!

Meta - 12 years ago

That's some heavy shit man. Keep on fighting the good fight, people like you are very rare.

BeaverHunter - 13 years ago

Im running a bit late, ill be on in 20 min

BeaverHunter - 13 years ago

I think the class mod is for level 19 or something like that. I've duplicated so much stuff for people it's hard to remember. I know it's pretty low for sure though

X - 13 years ago

hey man,im not sure when im going to get back to NHL 13 since i got borderlands 2 it's pretty much taking all my gaming time up,the group is in your hands,i will come back but im just not sure when,i understand if you want to make changes to the group,it's up to you since your the creator. X 9-26-12

X - 13 years ago

hey i sent a join request for the NHL 13 team.

The Snapple Cap - 13 years ago

i'll consider it lol

The Snapple Cap - 13 years ago

check my team out. that's called docking ;)

DeafeningLime - 13 years ago

Cool, then we can get that achievement

DeafeningLime - 13 years ago

I will try this hockey thing with you all, Im not very good at it though

X - 13 years ago

you can make a team if you want,it looks like i may have to wait a week to pick it up but im more than likely going to be in the eashl around the 20th.

IRiSH - 13 years ago

Does anyone call you HIV for short? It just dawned on me that those are the initials for your tag.

CRAWFORD - 13 years ago

Im not sure if germany uses the Pal game system or not. could you send me the link to where you want to buy it from? I can get a better idea then.

Johnny Broflex - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday bro!

lll PAPOOSE lll - 13 years ago

happy birthday

ColonialPie - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

DeafeningLime - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday buddy!

- 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

mcdevlin182 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Chaind Insanity - 13 years ago

happy birthday!

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

Thanks for the info! Good luck getting that 1k before anyone else around here.

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

Did the romantic subplot have a decent resolution?

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

Better or worse then ME2?

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

No Legion or Krogan? Wtf.

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

Who can you recruit party wise in ME3?

AJ - 13 years ago

Goodluck, either way.

AJ - 13 years ago

Better than hoping the patch will fix your problem which I doubt it will. I don't think there's ever been a time when a patch fixed a mission in progress.

AJ - 13 years ago

That sucks. I would just start a new game, boost to level 20-30 then just do the daedric missions. Would only take 5-10 hours.