As if Activision wasnt already the worst company around haha!
Archived: More bad news for Activision.
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:14 am | #1
"More from the Activision vs Infinity Ward debacle as sacked ex-IW studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West could retain the power to veto any future Modern Warfare releases, which could possibly affect DLC as well as the games themselves."
As if Activision wasnt already the worst company around haha!
As if Activision wasnt already the worst company around haha!
Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:33 am | #3
i already kno bout that, that was from 2 days ago, this is MORE about it that happened today, as in MORE bad news, hence the topic title
Re: Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:38 am | #4
Quote by A Silent Circus:
i already kno bout that, that was from 2 days ago, this is MORE about it that happened today, as in MORE bad news, hence the topic title
not to sound like a prick but then you should have put this news in that same thread since it is basically the same story. this is basically another duplicate thread that didn't really need to be made and is just taking up space. Nothing against you or anything but it's the truth.
Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:53 am | #5
lol o well didnt think it was that big of a deal, was just puttin it up for people to glance at. chillax
Re: Re: Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:54 am | #6
Quote by Mr Paul Spider:
Quote by A Silent Circus:
i already kno bout that, that was from 2 days ago, this is MORE about it that happened today, as in MORE bad news, hence the topic title
not to sound like a prick but then you should have put this news in that same thread since it is basically the same story. this is basically another duplicate thread that didn't really need to be made and is just taking up space. Nothing against you or anything but it's the truth.
Anyways for your story...................... OH NO! No DLC, that's terrible!
Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 12:56 am | #7
it's not really but I'm just trying to save you some grief since everyone has been kinda on edge lately with a lot of the newer people just being complete noobs and creating senseless double threads and what not. You seem like a cool guy so I just wanted to help you out so you don't get flamed in the future and then people leave the site and what not.

Re: Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 1:23 am | #8
Quote by Mr Paul Spider:
it's not really but I'm just trying to save you some grief since everyone has been kinda on edge lately with a lot of the newer people just being complete noobs and creating senseless double threads and what not. You seem like a cool guy so I just wanted to help you out so you don't get flamed in the future and then people leave the site and what not. 

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i just try to keep people updated on news worthy items when im bored and readin about the various stuff since it seems like alot of the members here use this site to see news and it usually seems like news items on here r posted weeks after i first read them lol.
Re: Re: More bad news for Activision.
03/05/10 9:31 am | #10
Quote by A Silent Circus:
lol o well didnt think it was that big of a deal, was just puttin it up for people to glance at. chillax

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