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x Brie Bear x

Personal Information
Region:North Carolina
Join Date:Feb 18, 2010
BirthdayJune 25th, 1990
Favorite GameSpyro =]
Least Favorite GameNot sure yet..
Location:Charlotte, NC
x Brie Bear x's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.

Discussion Sparker
Discussion Sparker

This user created a thread which attracted 150 or more replies.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
Gamertagx Brie Bear x
x Brie Bear x's Shoutbox
ImMadeOfMoney - 14 years ago

So....You start your dream job yet? Lol. How have you been?

NateDogg - 14 years ago

Just now waking up! wow i feel like a dick, totally passed out with the controller in my hand, i loaded in COD and decided to move from my comp to my bed to play, obvious mistake! sorry for being a bitch and crashing out early as fuck! i'm a lightweight muther fuker! :( ur sexy

Meta - 14 years ago

welcome back to XBA! long time no see

AJ - 14 years ago

Sooo.... How's that Sonic game?

AJ - 14 years ago

We're going to have to come up with XxTimes when I get Kait and when you get her...

AJ - 14 years ago


girl poison - 14 years ago

No problem, have a good birthday. (:

Meta - 14 years ago

What are you doing online?! Are you back from your trip/vacation/whatever?

AJ - 14 years ago


kroberts11 - 14 years ago

You're a cute ninja.

PureEvil x21 - 14 years ago

I want to make sure funding for the prize is taken care of before starting the game.

AJ - 14 years ago


AJ - 14 years ago

Well.. I knew you'd say that. That's why you have your tag on a USB drive so you can take it off to play offline :). Leave the copy of it on your xbox so you can log in and play... Then when you want you gain all those points erase your old copy and put the other account on the USB on your box and BAM. GAMERSCORE!

AJ - 14 years ago

WEAK. What you need to do is play offline like I've been doing for a few weeks prior, then when the comp starts log in and BAM - 8,000 points in 1 day, LOL!

AJ - 14 years ago

Also, you have any games lined up for competition or are you not planning on trying that hard?

AJ - 14 years ago

I've had no problem with Moon Knight since he signed up, we use to play on live together all the time too... I dunno, maybe he's just having a bad day? But yea... My bad, lol.

AJ - 14 years ago

I got an achievement.... OOPS!

AJ - 14 years ago

HI BRIIEEE1!!!!!!111!!

AJ - 14 years ago

Lol, k.

AJ - 14 years ago

A whole WEEK!?! Lol. The big 20?

AJ - 14 years ago

Ummm... But WE'RE in the gamerscore comp that starts in June... I already have 7 games in my possession and I'm stacking achievements as we speak that will pop right on June 1st :).

AJ - 14 years ago

I just noticed that BOTH of our gamerscores are palindromes...

AJ - 14 years ago


AJ - 14 years ago

Awww, don't be mad, Brie! :P I could say some stuff, but I'll be the bigger person and let it go :D! 17,24one.

AJ - 14 years ago

So... how's that 1 at the end of your gs treatin' ya?! :D

- 14 years ago

Sure sure. If you would please.

AJ - 14 years ago

Sounds good, txt me or have Kait txt me if I'm not on.

AJ - 14 years ago


Noah 9000 - 14 years ago

i work tomorrow but i get off at 1pm EST. the rest of my weekend is clear. =D

Noah 9000 - 14 years ago

it's a date!