Archived: Eternal Sonata
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 1:30 pm | #1
Ok I just beat the demo of Eternal Sonata and to say the least, this game really surprised me. I think this game is WAY more fun than blue dragon. In fact, I think BD was pretty weak from the demo I played. It just wasn't fun while ES felt refined, and combined game play techniques seen in a few different games. The graphics are really creative too!
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 1:44 pm | #2
I heard Eternal Sonata is supposed to be good. And why do they call Blue Dragon the first 'real' JRPG? What about Enchanted Arms?
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 1:58 pm | #3
That is because it was released in Japan first, lol. Plus its very turn based like Final Fantasy. Eternal Sonata has a system similar to kingdom hearts except you have so much time for your turn. You are free to move around the battle area with each character when its their turn. The story is very cool too. I just found BD to be very boring.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 2:35 pm | #4
The jury still out on my side of the world. Think I will do a review after I play it
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 2:50 pm | #5
I consider any game with an Anime feel to it as being Asian/Japanese...
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 6:07 pm | #6
really so did you play FF 12??
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/09/07 10:06 pm | #7
No I haven't. I've not played any FF games past FFX
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/10/07 10:00 am | #8
FF12 was great. I really liked 8 and 10 though.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 4:00 am | #9
Eternal Sonata will definitely be a better game than Blue Dragon after playing both demos there is no doubt which rpg is best.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 5:37 am | #10
I think FF 12 was the best one yet
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 10:44 am | #11
12 was the best one yet? You're crazy. 7,8, and the story of 10 blow that one away. The depth of 12 is what makes it so appealing to me.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 11:24 am | #12
To say the least, Eternal Sonata will be a great rpg to play. BD just looks to boring, too much of a dungeon quest. I'm sure the demo didn't do it justice, but I sure don't feel like playing a strictly turn based rpg for 3 discs. Thats where ES comes in with its refined gameplay.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 1:45 pm | #13
I agree with you syztem, the turn based gets boring after a while after you got yourself a taste of the real time

Re: Eternal Sonata
08/12/07 2:41 pm | #14
I love ES, I'll probobly make that my purchase around halo 3 time and maybe bioshock depending on how long it takes to get through since I won't be buying madden.
Re: Eternal Sonata
08/20/08 10:58 am | #15
Haha this thread is an antique. /bumped for Nostalgia