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Personal Information
Join Date:Dec 22, 2006
BirthdayApril 18th, 1987
PlayStation Network:syztemX
Occupation:Network Administrator
skyNET's Awards
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
GamertagskyNET 330
skyNET's Shoutbox
Meta - 13 years ago

omfg skynet! I WILL SHUT YOU DOWN

bluntedGRINCH - 15 years ago

Hey I saw that you said you liked Eternal Sonata, and was actually thinking of playing this game but never heard anything good about from people I know. Is it a JRPG? I think I will have to check it out!

Greg - 17 years ago

maybe... zachhhhhhhhhh

- 17 years ago

Thanks for saying happy birthday! One more year and then I can drink (legally:))

fallofcorey420 - 18 years ago

dude the fall of troy is the shit!!!

skyNET - 18 years ago

Your spelling sucks goth!

Greg - 18 years ago

no way i was shoted out~!!

sp1neshank - 18 years ago

thanks for the shout out.

Jackson - 18 years ago

Thank syztem, we appreciate it.