Archived: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/27/08 3:00 pm | #2
Fallout 3.
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/27/08 5:38 pm | #5
Definately IU, I thought the Tales demo was OK, and I would probobly borrow it from a buddy, but I am definately not gonna throw down 65$ for it.
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/27/08 7:42 pm | #6
I still gotta try both demos.
Either of them similar to Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata and/or Enchanted Arms?
Either of them similar to Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata and/or Enchanted Arms?
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/27/08 8:28 pm | #7
I agree with Raine on this one. The Tales demo was not much fun for me. I have been pretty excited about IU since I first saw the trailer for it! I hope we get a demo for this one!
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/27/08 8:29 pm | #8
I had a chance to play both of these at E3, although both I was not allowed to take any pictures at all.
Infinite Undiscovery is very interesting when it comes to gameplay and can take a bit of time to learn, but it's quite fun from what I saw. The active time battle system that it uses is a bit of a tweak to FFXIII from the PS2, mainly because there are more people in your party.
Infinite Undiscovery is very interesting when it comes to gameplay and can take a bit of time to learn, but it's quite fun from what I saw. The active time battle system that it uses is a bit of a tweak to FFXIII from the PS2, mainly because there are more people in your party.
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/28/08 5:49 pm | #10
final that the game where the guys look like the girls and vice versa?

Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/29/08 3:29 am | #12
RAINE! You are so ghey!!!!!
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/29/08 5:22 am | #13
I'm very interested to try out Tales of Vesperia. Plus are there are any xbox games on the way that sorta take the grid like system from the Fire Emblem series.
Re: RPG lovers which game are you more interested in?
08/29/08 8:00 am | #15
I need to check out IU....I haven't done much research into it. I tried the tales of ves. demo and didn't care for the cartoony style, either.
Although i should really try to finish Last Odyssey and Mass Effect first I think before undertaking a new deep RPG.
Although i should really try to finish Last Odyssey and Mass Effect first I think before undertaking a new deep RPG.