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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed: Seeking a partner for MW3 Spec Ops Grenade Rising21,366

02/19/13 11:41 pm
by Minioger

Rayman Origins Sequel? BigZuDaddy11,247

02/08/13 12:14 am
by BigZuDaddy

THQ is gone, IP and Studios sold BigZuDaddy122,141

01/28/13 6:24 pm
by The Snapple Cap

MOH Warfighter Redneck Yoda162,161

01/20/13 12:46 pm
by Clap That Fool

Favorite Youtube Commentator Son Of Butters41,504

01/04/13 2:41 pm
by Clap That Fool

Closed: Far Cry 3 Son Of Butters21,270

01/04/13 1:06 am

Closed: Your last 100% completed game? PirateLegend21,250

01/02/13 1:36 am
by Minioger

How much Gamerscore did you unlock in 2012? PirateLegend363,168

01/01/13 11:45 am
by Mo the Surfer

Playstation 3 Problem (yes I know this is XBA) iKidd121,756

12/29/12 9:11 pm
by Meta

How do you guys decide what to play? slicknick3822202,097

12/25/12 2:58 pm
by misterman08

Name your top 5 all time best games!!! BlackHoleFTW262,752

12/24/12 3:19 pm
by Mindy

Easy games Hatchet Hero1213,106

12/24/12 3:07 am
by PirateLegend

WarZ Spade41,877

12/23/12 10:13 pm
by Mudkip

The Hardest 100% Completion Challenge! RadioRunner172,442

12/19/12 8:28 pm
by Bardfor

Game/Song Coma Red151,559

11/27/12 9:39 pm
by Coma Red

Closed: Assassin's Creed III Redneck Yoda21,244

10/29/12 3:14 pm
by AJ

World of Warcraft Xitl293,587

10/24/12 10:55 am
by Ashley

Forward, to 1 Billion!!! Hydrocannon454,610

09/07/12 5:12 pm
by Zyzzy75

Rock Band Blitz Official BlackHoleFTW192,291

09/03/12 2:20 am
by FearlessEugene

cantan This thread contains a pollTrS30181,761

08/26/12 11:11 pm
by Mike Vick

Congrats Repo! Minioger232,456

08/14/12 3:59 am
by Dvader83

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition Frazzleberry293,403

08/13/12 2:08 pm
by BillyCoyle321

Resident evil boosting BIGP 641,347

08/01/12 2:06 pm
by BlackHoleFTW

Closed: E3 2011 BigZuDaddy162,828

07/22/12 11:15 pm
by Circus

Midnight Club: LA Help BlackHoleFTW21,381

07/22/12 6:37 am
by StovetopGnome