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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
PERFECT DARK gets me going? Music Live51,413

03/23/10 11:36 am
by Music Live

Battlefield: Bad Company 2™ undeadprince01141,449

03/20/10 1:09 pm
by Not a Valid User

gamefly mattd41131,515

03/20/10 12:48 pm
by Durtie

Closed: Splinter Cell: Conviction undeadprince0151,558

03/20/10 8:42 am
by Hektic Juggalo

Gamefly? o00oRICHARDo00o153,219

03/19/10 12:35 pm
by o00oRICHARDo00o

Gears of War 2 Double XP--NOW! Moon Knight 875182,661

03/18/10 7:15 am
by CHASE1494

Better Graphics? silencer018121,759

03/18/10 2:51 am
by Adam

Closed: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more. Chaind Insanity794,456

03/17/10 10:48 pm
by XxSh4dowxX

street fighter IV pc boosting? Junior11,150

03/14/10 11:32 pm
by Sean

Do you have old ps2 games? CHASE1494252,408

03/14/10 2:40 pm
by CHASE1494

My first glitch Super Hyper X11,461

03/13/10 7:34 pm
by CHASE1494

Gimme my Gold Waffle--NOW! Moon Knight 87581,400

03/13/10 11:54 am
by CHASE1494

Game Selling Stats. Not a Valid User41,527

03/13/10 2:13 am
by AJ

WooHoo! Broke 50K ZYM0T1C242,180

03/10/10 6:09 pm
by Austin

Gamestop Presents: Battle of the Baddest Tournament Chaind Insanity11,357

03/08/10 9:03 pm
by Chaind Insanity

Your first 360 retail game purchase? iKhaotic614,517

03/08/10 12:24 am
by The Waffle Guy

Closed: 100% WAFFLED GAMES J0SH121,982

03/07/10 8:01 am
by Meta

Halo reach invite dhobbs41471,634

03/06/10 2:20 pm
by Mudkip

Want a $5 coupon for a Guitar Hero game? Meta51,668

03/06/10 12:11 pm
by iKhaotic

Network Adapter Help Adam51,573

03/05/10 9:01 pm
by Daniel

Hottest Female youve seen in a game ALXander333302,770

03/04/10 11:32 pm
by iKhaotic

Infinity Ward vs. Activison BigZuDaddy152,171

03/04/10 6:52 pm
by Mudkip

Bungie set to drop MP Bomb on Halo Reach today A White Nite141,595

03/04/10 7:47 am
by CHASE1494

PS3s Die all over Not a Valid User363,286

03/04/10 6:44 am
by animefr33k

When did you start gaming? And name some of you favorites chrisarcade1348,224

03/02/10 2:53 pm
by iKhaotic