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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed: Favorite Modern Warfare 3 classes??? Big Dome Daddy11,307

03/31/12 9:00 pm
by Minioger

Real Life Assassin's Creed Multiplayer game at my school Grenade Rising305,562

03/21/12 10:39 pm
by Detroit

What is your favorite game/game series? Frank S1natra413,546

03/19/12 12:43 am
by Daemon

Is it just me or I 3at Beaver111,634

03/05/12 12:39 am
by I 3at Beaver

What's the best... I 3at Beaver01,448

03/03/12 5:10 pm
by I 3at Beaver

SSX (2012) Official Thread DJ Manners111,761

03/02/12 12:36 pm
by Hydrocannon

getting my gf interested in games SouthSideRidaz1027,249

02/24/12 7:32 pm
by Mishka xoxo

Ps Vita help mattd41121,581

02/22/12 2:35 pm
by heathkilljoy

Gotham City Imposters PC has... Junior51,520

02/19/12 10:41 pm
by Minioger

Weekend Warriors? Drizztstorm131,888

02/18/12 10:00 pm
by iLike Precision

GameFly My Meat Tickles112,035

02/11/12 11:26 am
by Mo the Surfer

Recommendations/General Talk Drizztstorm102,096

02/06/12 8:54 pm
by PureEvil x21

How you got this far. o SiLenTbLade304,262

02/06/12 1:28 am
by Drizztstorm

No more guns for xbox live avatars Katarn StarKiLR41,755

02/02/12 9:22 pm
by True

Rumer- The Witcher 2 on Consoles? BigZuDaddy141,932

01/27/12 10:36 pm
by Ultimate

Knights of the Old Republic Darth Rankine262,607

01/23/12 6:43 pm
by J1R2D3R4M

What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game? iLike Precision172,341

01/09/12 3:34 pm
by x570 Wilson

2011 VGA's Darth Rankine71,750

12/11/11 12:53 am
by ShadowMachine X

Gaming Jokes APOPHIS1989132,388

12/09/11 2:06 am
by ShadowMachine X

User banned from EAs Origin service through content filter Mudkip91,691

12/08/11 2:23 am
by ShadowMachine X

The GTASC Thread b1lly styles173,113

12/02/11 3:46 pm
by b1lly styles

Closed: Minecraft Aldemar112,547

11/17/11 7:41 pm
by Meta

Gamerscore tournament FragEmAndSmile01,484

11/12/11 5:36 pm
by FragEmAndSmile

Bioware New Game BigZuDaddy21,363

11/07/11 5:50 pm
by Itsir2u

Trade my MW3 Preorder for BF3? Derpzz41,775

11/03/11 1:51 am
by BeaverHunter