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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Black ops video. Reed Jellyfish81,748

10/31/10 11:44 am
by Mo the Surfer

Closed: Call of Duty: Black Ops Discussions DJ Manners41,741

10/24/10 12:40 am
by Minioger

Who do u think is going to the World Series this year? Airborn23192,238

10/23/10 2:35 pm
by Mike Vick

Gamestop mayoman69454,854

10/23/10 12:30 am
by iKidd

G.R.A.W. Leaderboards. Rumored to be reset. Katarn StarKiLR111,699

10/10/10 2:10 am
by Xitl

Awards Dismissed? Mr Wilton141,774

10/06/10 2:10 am
by Mudkip

100 for 100 and 100K! theEVOL1514,596

10/04/10 12:54 am
by AJ

Bad reach glitch Katarn StarKiLR31,441

10/02/10 3:27 am
by blurzieblurz

Black ops GameStop Website and Competition Reed Jellyfish52,399

09/22/10 5:31 pm
by Reed Jellyfish

Best Co-Op Pair? Grenade Rising81,645

09/19/10 8:09 pm

Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach? Airborn23413,110

09/13/10 9:38 pm
by Crackatron

187,500 xp per hour in gears 2 PitBullDoorbell343,556

09/04/10 8:30 pm
by PitBullDoorbell

Frontlines Fuel of war TCS Taeger31,482

09/03/10 2:19 pm
by breesyst10

Closed: How excited are you about Halo: Reach? ShadowMachine X1629,044

09/02/10 6:39 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Madden 11 Achievements Moon Knight 875102,775

08/30/10 1:59 pm
by Ryan

Custom Faceplate and controlers,read more inside SuicidalFate091,838

08/29/10 10:50 am
by SuicidalFate0

My First Waffle..... Ryan41,534

08/28/10 11:36 pm
by Circus

Looking for Chicken Suit in Fable 2 Tigheranosaur84101,969

08/28/10 7:03 pm
by EnemyBritBomber

Nintendo DS Problem BigZuDaddy61,404

08/25/10 10:05 am
by Aker 86

Black Prophecy Crustyhippy11,509

08/24/10 3:02 am
by Circus

1st system/console you owned BeardedRooster675,469

08/19/10 11:25 pm
by drake25

Too Much Gaming??? Xitl686,564

08/18/10 6:53 pm
by ForeverDarkHalo

Your Modern Warfare 2 Stats. Aaron14569,734

08/18/10 6:09 pm
by APex Pmoney

Closed: Batman Arkham City playah is kradz21,406

08/16/10 11:01 pm
by Minioger

Gears Of War 2 exp. boost again. Katarn StarKiLR122,200

08/15/10 2:08 am
by Durtie