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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Closed: gamer tag undeadprince01192,440

12/27/09 1:46 pm
by Golden138

New Clan Spawnx7531,507

12/27/09 12:32 pm
by Spawnx75

Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live XDBroncosfan24X192,361

12/26/09 1:12 pm
by IndoorHorizon

Turtle Beach X41 DeafeningLime31,904

12/26/09 10:22 am
by DeafeningLime

IM BACK Assualt Maniac121,795

12/26/09 12:27 am
by Nemesis Mask

2009 VGA Awards Winners Detreth635,017

12/21/09 2:26 am
by Muppets Rule

D&D RepoMan Mike152,600

12/21/09 1:38 am
by IRiSH

Longest... dudeeericky162,501

12/18/09 3:04 pm
by Blackmagic16

Is there a game you want that may not be coming out? Darth Rankine81,294

12/18/09 7:23 am
by Nick

Really Rare GAME! Super Hyper X131,594

12/18/09 12:01 am
by AJ


12/17/09 1:51 pm
by Super Hyper X

What Game Systems have you owned? chrisarcade544,454

12/13/09 11:36 pm
by StarRoadWarrior

VGA 2009: Coming 2010 ReAl ImPuLsE131,353

12/13/09 12:40 am
by Mudkip

Spike Video Game Awards (VGAs) 09 - Vote Now! Sean152,315

12/11/09 2:27 pm
by Sean

boosting glenbiz524,125

12/11/09 9:41 am
by iKidd

Guild Wars 2 Blackmagic1661,518

12/10/09 5:09 pm
by Bovice63

Left 4 Dead 2 Expert ZYM0T1C61,380

12/10/09 10:58 am
by Magnum XIII

People to game with online Deafu141,647

12/10/09 6:00 am
by specVSERious

EA going after Call of Duty with Bad Company 2 BigZuDaddy171,958

12/09/09 8:14 pm
by Lord Aldemar

Game Time ImMadeOfMoney101,619

12/09/09 9:38 am
by Xtreme Nights

Anybody up for a trip to Zombie Island? jabo thunder01,245

12/08/09 11:46 am
by jabo thunder

fallout 2 is the sex Noah 9000226,209

12/07/09 10:26 pm
by Grenade Rising

real....long....credits thefatlash111,723

12/06/09 6:58 pm
by consdills33913

Worst game you ever played just for gamerscore unkled201507,599

12/06/09 5:38 pm
by unkled20

Closed: i also have psp games to trade mattd41111,347

12/05/09 11:43 pm
by mattd411