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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
XBOX 360 vs PC Vs PS3 TCS Taeger101,645

02/15/10 8:56 am
by Daniel

A top ten list Super Hyper X213,001

02/13/10 2:57 pm
by Super Hyper X

does anyone play red faction gurila anymore? zacopoly1281,893

02/12/10 11:12 am
by Adrian

Fatal Frame CHASE149481,521

02/12/10 7:20 am
by CHASE1494

FAVORITE MAP AND CLASSES? zacopoly1251,929

02/11/10 6:32 pm
by Bay

New Clan Warzonepunk31,620

02/10/10 11:23 pm
by Aaron

Closed: Anyone need a free 48hr code for Live(gold)? Shockwave122,181

02/10/10 5:28 pm
by Tristan8888

Hardest retail game ever made... Super Hyper X262,535

02/10/10 4:32 pm
by Super Hyper X

Favorite Achievement Puck118641,466

02/10/10 3:27 pm
by AJ

Which is better Xbox720-PS4-or Wii 2? SigmaOmega3314,585

02/10/10 12:27 am
by Mr Awesome2319

Platinum/Greatest Hits iKhaotic41,433

02/07/10 4:02 pm
by Mudkip

Alien VS Predator Demo now up Moon Knight 87591,427

02/04/10 11:54 am
by SkinsDP537

G hackers silencer01851,435

02/04/10 1:11 am
by Not a Valid User

PS3 users who hate Xbox Puck118691,492

02/03/10 9:34 pm
by reed0tuy0u

Sick of moders and hackers undeadprince0181,503

02/03/10 5:12 pm
by Sean

Your top 10 Fav Games of ALL TIME Detroit594,276

02/03/10 2:40 am
by Vegeta771

Modern Warfare 2 PC Achievements? Durtie131,410

02/02/10 9:44 pm
by Sean

Closed: I realised something... angrymoo444,225

02/02/10 3:58 pm
by Not a Valid User

Not 360 related but still Gaming related, (PS3) PureEvil x2161,544

01/31/10 11:58 pm
by PureEvil x21

What have... dudeeericky11,310

01/29/10 1:21 pm
by dudeeericky

Tritton AX180 Durtie71,484

01/26/10 6:03 pm
by Super Hyper X

good things come in twos reed0tuy0u121,497

01/26/10 12:22 am
by IRiSH

Halo Tourny Practice Now Durtie51,352

01/25/10 5:57 am
by Taco

Superbowl. Spoilers if you haven't watched the games. PureEvil x21272,298

01/24/10 11:31 pm
by Austin

were just two players and were having a good time, having a good time reed0tuy0u71,460

01/24/10 10:32 pm
by Noah 9000