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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Activision Reveals Walking Dead FPS Wrothgar200931,354

07/06/12 11:37 pm
by Circus

WP7 Question Hektic Juggalo131,695

07/06/12 8:06 am
by Hektic Juggalo

video game news and rumors thread. The Snapple Cap01,358

07/05/12 12:29 pm
by The Snapple Cap

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Wrothgar200991,774

07/01/12 1:15 pm
by BigZuDaddy

gamefly help, please!!! muckypup7532,052

06/17/12 10:41 am
by ReAl ImPuLsE

Steam Mudkip403,924

06/17/12 4:00 am
by The Snapple Cap

SCP the Neverending Stairs - Furthest Level Junior02,038

06/09/12 1:49 am
by Junior

Favorite non-xbox games Coma Red132,037

06/08/12 9:32 pm
by Vermillion Haze

E3 2012 The Snapple Cap575,097

06/06/12 7:10 am
by Circus

This one goes out to PureEvil x21 Minioger363,407

06/05/12 3:13 am
by AJ

The Future is Now TK Chillin11,685

06/03/12 9:25 pm
by Detroit

Gauntlet Anyone? Need 1 more player. PureEvil x2161,491

05/29/12 4:50 am
by ShadowMachine X

Favorite developers/game series? The Snapple Cap11,318

05/26/12 1:56 pm
by slicknick3822

Sign up for your chance to participate in the Far Cry 3 closed beta! o0 WILKY 0o21,404

05/19/12 7:11 pm
by o0 WILKY 0o

blackmesasource.com Chaind Insanity61,887

05/17/12 9:45 pm
by Chaind Insanity

Closed: COD/GOW/BF Players? Funky Jammer151,961

05/08/12 12:46 am
by AJ

First game you ever played isaidgofly484,324

05/07/12 10:31 am
by isaidgofly

Xbox Live Rewards program launches Lou16410,696

05/06/12 6:33 pm
by X

ACHIEVEMENT club knightnomore202,848

05/05/12 5:45 pm
by True

steel battalion rygar667221,678

05/04/12 6:11 pm
by Meta

Hardest Achievement - the One you are mosts proud of. Reenus12110,616

04/23/12 1:53 pm
by k0mbatdan

Closed: Thoughts sasuke13921,418

04/07/12 5:29 pm

Closed: Bf3 or MW3 This thread contains a pollsasuke13921,409

04/07/12 4:42 pm

Midnigh Releases (Rite of Passage) iLike Precision333,302

04/06/12 5:44 pm
by Zulwarn420

fav game blog on youtube knightnomore11,281

04/02/12 2:36 pm
by AJ