Closed: Far Cry 3
Posted Under: Gaming
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Far Cry 3
01/04/13 12:38 am | #1
I love this game! This game was not advertised well in my opinion but this game is phenomenal! This is the best campaign I have ever played and I love the huge open world. The mp has a few problems like you can't party up with your friends in the mp lobby and my friends and I have trouble not leveling up after we finish a game but other than those two things the mp is great and I like the competitions they put into co-op. This is my favorite game I have ever played and I can't wait to see what Ubisoft does next with this game.

Re: Far Cry 3
01/04/13 1:02 am | #2
We have a topic dedicated to Far Cry 3 already. You may want to post there instead.
We have a topic dedicated to Far Cry 3 already. You may want to post there instead.
Re: Far Cry 3
01/04/13 1:06 am | #3
Thanks Jared. Just a reminder to please search the threads before posting something new.
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