Archived: MOH Warfighter
Posted Under: Gaming
MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 6:25 pm | #1
Has anybody played MOH Warfighter yet? If so how is it? I have not seen anything online as far as reviews go.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 6:28 pm | #2
Nope not yet, going to pick it up after work
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 6:34 pm | #3
Been playing it for the last hour with a friend, very very fun to play with a friend who communicates, we've been consistently in first and second place every game. It's like a more fast paced and more close quarters version of Battlefield with a lot of gun customization and such.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 7:43 pm | #4
I didnt like the first, so this one will need to be a lot better for me to consider picking it up.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 8:00 pm | #5
Gamefly sent me a copy of this. Should have it Thursday at the latest.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 9:43 pm | #6
i heard the campaigns mad short.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/23/12 10:16 pm | #7
Went to midnight release for this to pick up Forza. 7 people were picking this up, 3 picked up Forza. Would've thought this would've had a much higher turnout.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/24/12 1:46 am | #8
If you're getting this game start the campaign on hard. Its really easy.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/24/12 9:04 am | #9
Yeah I got home and played just over a hour and am already halfway through the game. I hate when they focus more on the multiplayer then the game.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/24/12 6:05 pm | #11
My copy got here today, but I think I may return it and wait until it's cheap around Christmas/the new year.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/25/12 12:05 pm | #12
I knocked out most of the campaign on hard last night in a few hours. It is pretty easy as Detroit said. Wondering how the servers are for multi-player considering EA always has problems when their games first launch.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/26/12 2:50 am | #13
I picked up a copy for PS3 and I don't know if it's just my copy or if it's just a PS3 copy or if it's going on with everyone on the 360 but my game, both multiplayer and campaign, seems to be really buggy. Cars and pieces of concrete and metal floating in mid-air, falling through maps, not being able to trigger checkpoints because the AI doesn't regroup right so I have to restart from last checkpoint and even then sometimes the screen just stays black when you wanna restart so you have to shut off the system. The multiplayer seems to be ok except for when I spawn on my squad sometimes it spawns and glitches me out of the map for an instant death. Maybe il pick up a 360 copy and see if it's any different.
Re: MOH Warfighter
10/26/12 3:38 am | #14
I didn't play the beta, so I am looking for opinions. How good is this game? I love Battlefield multiplayer but don't like Call of Duty Multiplayer? Will I enjoy this game? Just looking for opinions here. I've been thinking about getting this. Just still on the fence about it.
Re: MOH Warfighter
01/20/13 1:13 am | #15
Has anybody heard of any additional DLC announcements for this game? Trying to decide whether to trade it in, I completed it but I will hold onto it if they are going to release any DLC with achievements. Couldn't find anything online about it but I didn't look very hard either lol.