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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT Zombie Yakuza453,633

02/14/11 8:29 am
by CypherDextrous

Dude Nukem Forever? This thread contains a pollBoyzRFlatt162,505

02/14/11 8:25 am
by CypherDextrous

Guilty Pleasures in gaming Bullets Chase212,584

02/14/11 6:58 am
by CypherDextrous

Highly Anticipated Non-Xbox 360 Title(s)? Leo Ascendent433,104

02/14/11 6:47 am
by CypherDextrous

Playstation Plus mattd41161,582

02/14/11 2:59 am
by ShadowMachine X

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG MvC3!!! Junior434,123

02/13/11 2:29 am
by ComMandeR SouR

Activision axes Guitar Hero franchise Wrothgar2009131,999

02/10/11 3:20 am
by ShadowMachine X

Free Metro 2033 Ashley182,288

02/07/11 9:07 pm
by Taco

Lego Universe Chaind Insanity21,338

02/04/11 11:10 am
by Chaind Insanity

Gamestop Refurbished Wrothgar2009111,630

01/31/11 5:22 pm
by Wrothgar2009

Replace or Repair? Leo Ascendent101,572

01/30/11 1:19 am
by breesyst10

Game Completion Mission Crustyhippy303,986

01/24/11 1:21 am
by Crustyhippy

8-Bit Halo Silver Sluggr51,694

01/23/11 10:47 pm
by BoyzRFlatt

100,000 Dr Feelgood 474192,527

01/23/11 9:06 pm
by Wow ITz TYL3R

Urban Dictionary Game Ashley244,263

01/22/11 7:51 pm
by Ashley

Gaming: Hobby or habit? BIGP 691,888

01/15/11 11:21 pm
by Andranik

Community Playdate ShadowMachine X453,413

01/13/11 7:59 pm
by Durtie

Bam... 100K ReAl ImPuLsE262,523

01/13/11 8:40 am
by BillJones0302

Give it some time BIGP 671,557

01/13/11 8:27 am
by BillJones0302

gamer rage BIGP 6172,480

01/13/11 5:20 am
by ShadowMachine X

Bookworm DS breesyst1001,273

01/13/11 3:33 am
by breesyst10

Closed: Black ops clan ii get faded51,678

01/09/11 4:17 am
by Aldemar

borderlands underdome mattd411152,730

01/06/11 7:28 pm
by Bovice63

why am i play this game (updated in lower case) BIGP 6272,475

01/05/11 7:13 pm
by safemachine

Need help finding gaming headphones. Jared01,467

12/30/10 8:50 am
by Jared