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Gaming Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Games you wish were made Mike93585,142

01/30/09 6:58 pm
by Nemesis Mask

Grains of War! Kamikaze831,692

01/25/09 12:37 pm
by Noah 9000

Pills Here! Kamikaze841,511

01/25/09 11:35 am
by Shockwave

Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics Noah 9000274,325

01/20/09 12:10 am
by Noah 9000

Final Fantasy VII: ACC (FFXIII DEMO) Up for Pre-Order Scarface161,659

01/19/09 6:04 pm
by Repo Man 360

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth sourdaddyjones21,437

01/14/09 10:23 pm
by sourdaddyjones

COD WOW Beta for Computer Marcus Flemming41,756

01/14/09 9:58 pm
by Taco

Legendary Aidan 101,857

01/11/09 4:18 pm
by freudianslip99

Gamtertag - How'd you come up with yours Minioger13514,401

01/10/09 6:30 pm
by Noah 9000

New Machinima bullet2insanity01,451

01/04/09 11:38 pm
by bullet2insanity

Calling All New Actors! bullet2insanity31,557

01/03/09 12:41 pm
by Meta

Callin all future stars Tha MasterCheif91,525

01/01/09 5:34 pm
by Big Dome Daddy

Casting for a video bullet2insanity31,642

01/01/09 4:34 pm
by bullet2insanity

Nibbler World Record Webcast sprinter46171,461

01/01/09 12:32 am
by Xc Livewire cX

The Worst Random gamer... EnragedBullet454,176

12/22/08 9:56 pm
by EnragedBullet

Video Game Awards 2008 This thread contains a pollMeta925,802

12/16/08 11:20 pm
by Raine

Fable 2: X-Play's Game of the Year? Damian254654,649

12/16/08 4:43 pm
by Mudkip

Closed: I WIN Greg91,805

12/15/08 11:26 pm
by Hockeypuck55

please join.. PunksNotDead2k8101,695

12/14/08 11:41 am
by Shockwave

Insane Horde Tha MasterCheif232,775

12/13/08 8:24 pm
by Tha MasterCheif

10 things we've learned from Xbox Live Mike93121,630

12/03/08 6:35 pm
by Greg

Graphics card ? Tha MasterCheif81,908

12/01/08 2:34 pm
by Hektic Juggalo

15 Ways to tell if you are a n00b at GoW2 Tha MasterCheif51,768

12/01/08 9:57 am
by Jake51S

Games to keep your kids away from Mike93433,879

11/29/08 9:37 am
by Taco

List of Install Sizes to the HDD for All Xbox 360 Games and some Notes Shockwave232,931

11/25/08 10:38 pm
by Xc Livewire cX