please dont forget to refer me.. username: PunksNotDead2k8..
Archived: please join..
Posted Under: Gaming
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please join..
12/14/08 9:33 am | #1
please join for your achievement guides..
please dont forget to refer me.. username: PunksNotDead2k8..
please dont forget to refer me.. username: PunksNotDead2k8..
Re: please join..
12/14/08 10:31 am | #2
Dude, are you sure? Don't you mean
Re: please join..
12/14/08 10:51 am | #3
Already a member bud!
Re: please join..
12/14/08 11:32 am | #5
Member aswell
Re: please join..
12/14/08 11:33 am | #6
Quote by PSORaine:
Is that the one that says "girl gamer" under your name if you're a girl? If so... not planning on joining, sorry.
i never noticed that before, i'm gonna make another account and play the girl role and see if i get all kinds of friend requests and messages and stuff. it's an experiment.
Re: please join..
12/14/08 11:37 am | #8
Quote by PSORaine:
Yeah I used to go on sites and make 2 accounts... a girl and a guy account... and I'd troll with both and see which got banned first. Then I realized I could use laguna for the same purpose...
was he the girl?
Re: please join..
12/14/08 11:40 am | #10
yeah sorry already a member dude as well as achieve360points and achievement hunter.
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