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Xc Livewire cX

Personal Information
Region:Rhode Island
Join Date:Aug 3, 2007
BirthdayJuly 9th
Wii Friend Code:i'm friends with my wii already
PlayStation Network:i forgot....
AIM:aim is gay
MSN Messenger:msn sucks
Yahoo:yahoo can't handle this
Occupation:electrician/part time breast beta tester
Location:be damned if i know, but there's mastodons in here!
Interests:gaming, poking people in the back while they're drinking wine
Biography:story of my life
Xc Livewire cX's Awards
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

This user has written over 1,000 posts. Rock on!

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user has given Xbox America some love in his Xbox Live motto.

It Defines Me
It Defines Me

This user mentioned Xbox America in his Xbox Live biography.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
GamertagXc Livewire cX
The TOS user you are trying to inquire about is a level 11 CoC offender. We here at Microsoft/XboxLive do not encourage engaging the said offender for art. 596~pwnage of noobs since '88. Please refrain from communications with this user at this time as user is armed with controller and dangerous/unstable. User is also a member of the occult militia, Xbox America. ~ Michael Bonealot, Assistant Executive MS Security Operations and Affairs
Xc Livewire cX's Shoutbox
AJ - 14 years ago

Nevermind, it didn't implode...

AJ - 15 years ago

If I pass you in gs the world might implode! PICK IT UP!

Mike93 - 15 years ago


NucWARLORD - 15 years ago

Your sig = Win

Mr Paul Spider - 15 years ago

I do miss ya :P it's not the same around here without ya.

Mr Paul Spider - 15 years ago

I miss you sometimes :( well mostly that fucking awesome sig you have :D

AJ - 15 years ago

:'( I agree he did ruin it.

AJ - 15 years ago

Come back, BITCH! Or Meta will spit in your mouth.

Meta - 15 years ago

Ha, I'm the same way -- when I get sick of gaming and decide to start going out and living more, I also get in a lot more trouble ><

Meta - 15 years ago

How ya doin, Live? Anything fun happenin in the real world? You stayin outta trouble?

AJ - 15 years ago

Can I have like 50,000 gs from you? That's cool, right?

- 15 years ago

trying to stay warm and munching lol

- 15 years ago

what up

AJ - 15 years ago

Lol, maybe I'll pick it up for my gf..

AJ - 15 years ago

Or good party game.

AJ - 15 years ago

Would you consider 'Lips' a good game, lol.

AJ - 15 years ago

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. You played A LOT! Well, for you anyways... Getting back into it?

- 15 years ago

Hey babe!

- 15 years ago

just waiting till xmas

- 15 years ago


AJ - 15 years ago

Dude.... That one chick in your profile pic is hot as fu%#... Looks like the chick from Sex and the City... My gf makes me watch it :(...

Taco - 15 years ago

haha wow dude i just realized youd left me a shout (aint been on in like almost 20 days! xD i practically had quit the site) lol i dont even bother w/ 360voice tbh...i change my gamertag too much and i kept losing my streaks xD so i was like whatever im puttin it on vacation and leaving it that way

- 15 years ago

What you been up too lately

- 15 years ago


- 15 years ago

Dude, i love you!

Xc Livewire cX - 15 years ago

Yankees are the Champs once again!!!! Lick my feet all you haters and non-believers!

magoo 636 - 15 years ago

wack!!!! lol

AJ - 15 years ago


AJ - 15 years ago

Livewire... What did you do?

Xc Livewire cX - 15 years ago

**note to self** I just said "TOP Dogs....topDOGS.....ToP dOgS" outloud using my mouth. Colt couldn't here me because this is the internet and I must type for him to see>>>>>LMAO at keeping his name out of my MOUTH!!! ahahaHAHAhaha, such a foolish meat-cutter of a boy.