Archived: Whats the worst game you ever played
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Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 10:56 pm | #1
What is the worst game youve ever played and it can be for any system or you can keep it juss 360
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:18 pm | #2
I'll just stick with 360 and the worst game I've played is Viva Pinata.
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:20 pm | #3
If we're going any system, I'd have to say Puzzle De Harvest Moon, I loved the Harvest Moon series, but that game made me pissed off. If we're talking 360 then I'd have to say Alone in the Dark. F*^% the controls in that game, I was pissed off within the first ten minutes.
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:22 pm | #4
Look no further, click here!
Oh, and if all you see is a blank screen, it's called "Ghostbusters" for NES.
Maybe it's terrible because it's mostly driving no action, maybe it's because you have to stop for gas every five seconds. Or because when you die, you start all over! Then again, there's the shitty stair climbing scene that's bull, or maybe it's the terrible spelling, or it could just be you have no idea what to do in the first five seconds of the game! YOU NEED A BEAM! YOU NEED A TRAP! Where do I get this stuff?
Look no further, click here!
Oh, and if all you see is a blank screen, it's called "Ghostbusters" for NES.
Maybe it's terrible because it's mostly driving no action, maybe it's because you have to stop for gas every five seconds. Or because when you die, you start all over! Then again, there's the shitty stair climbing scene that's bull, or maybe it's the terrible spelling, or it could just be you have no idea what to do in the first five seconds of the game! YOU NEED A BEAM! YOU NEED A TRAP! Where do I get this stuff?
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:25 pm | #5
i've said it before and i'll say it again:
i don't play too many shitty games. i research them first.
king kong is still the worst 360 game i've played.
i don't play too many shitty games. i research them first.
king kong is still the worst 360 game i've played.
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:29 pm | #6
Terminator Salvation
Re: Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:52 pm | #8
Quote by M1LL3R:
Fallout 3
What?!?!?!?! One of my favorite games getting dissed


Re: Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/15/10 11:54 pm | #9
Quote by M1LL3R:
Fallout 3
Is that a joke, or was there a legitimate reason for the disdain? I can understand not liking it, but calling it the worst?
Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/16/10 12:03 am | #14
Here's a couple from back in my NES days. 
Rocket Ranger

Rocket Ranger
Re: Re: Whats the worst game you ever played
02/16/10 12:04 am | #15
Quote by M1LL3R:
Fallout 3
I looked through your games list and it says you have played King Kong and Jumper. I can't see anyway Fallout is worse than those games. The achievements are tougher to get in Fallout but, that doesn't mean the game is worse.