Huh? I'll take it but how did that happen. I haven't done any recent promotions or anything that I can think of.
Archived: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 1:37 am | #1
So I bought my wife Dance Central and it came with a code for 240 MS points. I had 1800 points...redeemed the code and it said it was 240... Then I look at my account and I have 3000 points.
Huh? I'll take it but how did that happen. I haven't done any recent promotions or anything that I can think of.
Huh? I'll take it but how did that happen. I haven't done any recent promotions or anything that I can think of.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 1:42 am | #2
Quote by MTB Mamba:
So I bought my wife Dance Central and it came with a code for 240 MS points. I had 1800 points...redeemed the code and it said it was 240... Then I look at my account and I have 3000 points.
Huh? I'll take it but how did that happen. I haven't done any recent promotions or anything that I can think of.
Huh? I'll take it but how did that happen. I haven't done any recent promotions or anything that I can think of.
I had 400 points in my account recently that was added and hadn't done any promotions to get it. Dunno.
Was the 240 point thing a special deal or does it come with all Dance Centrals?
I ask because my wife got it for Christmas and she doesn't pay attention to that stuff.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 1:44 am | #3
Not sure...bought it at gamestop today and it was advertised on the cover art and had a card with a code on it inside.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 2:27 am | #5
Damn why dont i get these

Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 5:12 am | #7
Must be nice
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 9:08 am | #8
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Count it as a blessing. Something like that happened to me with an online order back in November. The item cost like 17 bucks and the actual withdrawl was only 11 dollars or something.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 9:41 am | #9
i had something very similar to me happen when i got the fallout new vegas dlc, i bought it played the dlc for 10 mins and when i checked my account balance the 800 points i spent on the dlc was magically back in my account, now its sitting there waitin 4 the CoD Black Ops map pack!
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 10:36 am | #10
They've done this with music games before. They include a code in the box for 240MSP so you can get 3 DLC tracks, 80MSP each. I wish mine did something like that with the GH5 code, darn Activision haha
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 10:59 am | #11
Somewhere in the Somali coast there is a little kid that redeemed a 1200 MS points and got just 240 points instead.
That little kid will never trust anyone again and will become a pirate hoping that one day he will hijack that one ship that has his missing points so he can redeem them for a nice XBL game and go back to school.

EDIT: Sorry, this is not the kind of pirate kid I was referring to, but it's what came up in the google search for "pirate kid".
That little kid will never trust anyone again and will become a pirate hoping that one day he will hijack that one ship that has his missing points so he can redeem them for a nice XBL game and go back to school.

EDIT: Sorry, this is not the kind of pirate kid I was referring to, but it's what came up in the google search for "pirate kid".
Re: Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 12:35 pm | #12
Quote by Revelation1318:
Somewhere in the Somali coast there is a little kid that redeemed a 1200 MS points and got just 240 points instead.
That little kid will never trust anyone again and will become a pirate hoping that one day he will hijack that one ship that has his missing points so he can redeem them for a nice XBL game and go back to school.

EDIT: Sorry, this is not the kind of pirate kid I was referring to, but it's what came up in the google search for "pirate kid".
That little kid will never trust anyone again and will become a pirate hoping that one day he will hijack that one ship that has his missing points so he can redeem them for a nice XBL game and go back to school.

EDIT: Sorry, this is not the kind of pirate kid I was referring to, but it's what came up in the google search for "pirate kid".
Hah. And that kid will get his @$$ shot off "Expendibles" style when it turns out to be a US Navy warship.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 1:32 pm | #13
Sent a text to my friend who also has Dance Central, his didn't come with a code, but he said his brothers did and that he got 1200 points out of it as well.
Re: Redeemed a 240 point code and got 1200 points
01/21/11 2:12 pm | #14
damn u lucky!!!