Archived: guitar hero vs rock band question
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 11:28 am | #1
Okay. Here is my situation. I have a guitar hero guitar. I'm wanting to get a few rock band games without having to buy a rock band guitar. Are they compatible or am I going to have to get a rock band guitar (which in my experience, aren't as good)?
Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 12:28 pm | #2
U will be fine with what u have
Re: Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 12:35 pm | #4
Quote by Mudkip:
yeah, what orange said. If you have a GH controller you're good to go for Rock Band. Although in my opinion the Rock Band controllers beat the crap out of the GH ones.
I freakin hated the RB guitars....stupid squishy strum button

(I heard the RB2 ones were better, but i never bought that one

Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 1:10 pm | #7
I like the GH guitars better becasue the buttons are more comfortable, the strum bar makes a gentle *click* sound (unlike the squishy rockband guitar) when you strum, and they're more comfortable to play with.
Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 3:30 pm | #10
The Beatles Rock Band guitars are the best.
Re: Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 4:04 pm | #11
Quote by Nick:
The Beatles Rock Band guitars are the best.
This. I have both George's Gretsch that I pre-ordered before launch and I found one of John's Rickenbackers on amazon a couple months ago for $70 "like new". Had a problem with the strum bar the first time I used it and EA sent me a brand new one. I've been playing these games since GH2 came out for the PS2 and have played both kinds and I've been using RB guitars since I got my 360.
To answer your question, yes your GH controller will work with any RB game. A lot of people don't like the strum bar on the RB guitars but I do. I like the fret action a lot more on the RB as well and I love the effects switch. I can't stand the clickity-click of the GH strum bar.
Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 6:49 pm | #12
I do agree with what has been said about the gh strum bar. It does go "clacketty clack" when you get into the faster songs. But to give a little love to rb, I did like the fret buttons.
Re: Re: guitar hero vs rock band question
05/15/10 8:08 pm | #14
Quote by Tom Auditore de Firenze:
Do yourself a favor and get the GH2 Xplorer controller. It may be the oldest but it's the best. I refuse to use any of the shitty rock band controllers and I hate the wireless ones as well which knocks out the GH3/WT ones.
I love my Xplorer guitar. I can't stand any of the other ones.