Archived: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
Posted Under: Gaming
What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 7:18 pm | #1
Mine is Runescape.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 7:55 pm | #2
Any RPG that I haven't finished.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 8:02 pm | #3
for me its any racing game
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 8:08 pm | #4
Mine is probably Flowerz. I have the full 200 on it, but I still bust it out from time to time for shits and giggles!
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 8:48 pm | #5
any of the patapon games >=3
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 9:11 pm | #6
It used to be World of Warcraft; soon, it will be Star Wars The Old Republic.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 10:01 pm | #7
Indie game, Beat Hazard
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 10:02 pm | #8
WWE games or Forza
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 10:25 pm | #10
Nba 2k12 but more specifically the my player mode in it.i am working towards making the hall of fame achievement in the mode but whenever im done playing a game for gamerscore i go to nba 2k12.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 10:59 pm | #11
Carcassone and Uno... Finished both of them years ago, but they're just fun to play.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/07/12 11:44 pm | #12
I don't understand. Is this supposed to be games you are ashamed to play? If so mine is Viva Pinata PA.
Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/08/12 3:30 am | #13
Mine would have to be the Lego games. I say that I am buying them for the kids, but truth be told, they are for me.
Re: Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/08/12 6:56 pm | #14
Quote by breesyst10:
I don't understand. Is this supposed to be games you are ashamed to play? If so mine is Viva Pinata PA.
Not necessarily ashamed to play them. Just ones that you don't always tell people you play.
Re: Re: Re: What's Your Guilty Pleasure Game?
01/08/12 7:02 pm | #15
Quote by iLike Precision:
Quote by breesyst10:
I don't understand. Is this supposed to be games you are ashamed to play? If so mine is Viva Pinata PA.
Not necessarily ashamed to play them. Just ones that you don't always tell people you play.
Usually the ones you wouldn't tell people about are no pleasure at all!