Selection Process:
The night before the game beings I will assign each player their initial target randomly. I will send a text to each person of who their target is.
- it is in your best interest to keep your target a secret.
You cannot switch targets with anyone, and no one is targeting someone who is targeting them. After you score a kill your assigned to the target of the person you just killed.
Dan's target is Austin. Dan Kills Austin. Austin's target was Brandon, Dan's new target is Brandon.
The game starts at 7:05 and ends as soon as the buses leave.
You score a kill by using your super fuckin awesome assassination thumb and you slice that bitches neck open super stealth like, if your target is alerted to your presence before the slice pushing your chin to your chest constitutes a block. Your target remains your target even if you fuck up cause your so bad... so just be sneakier..
And there are no pussy time outs.
You can use any and all means necessary to locate and kill your target. Let the games begin........
special fucking awesome rule: if you can somehow manage to put tobasco sauce in something someone is eating without them knowing this constitutes a poison
through out the day when u score a kill send the umpire the name of who you killed and a brief description of how that epic shit went down. that way we can keep track and make an overall leaderboard fuckin ranking system of awesome.
We all communicate through mass facebook messages. This game is so awesome, you really have to try it if you go to high school. A sure fire way to make school more fun.