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DJ Manners

Personal Information
Join Date:Jul 3, 2010
BirthdayJune 1st
DJ Manners's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.


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This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
GamertagDJ Manners
DJ Manners's Shoutbox
Wrothgar2009 - 13 years ago

Sent you a trade offer on DewXP.

Vermillion Haze - 13 years ago

Desert Punk. And it's not only good it's a absolute classic.

Meta - 13 years ago

Manners! Front and center, right meow! What's good lately?

iKidd - 13 years ago

no i got it from some funny signatures site...for the life of me i couldn't tell you which one though

Meta - 13 years ago

what's good lately, sir?

Aidan - 14 years ago

hope you don't mind, but I put you're quote about obtaining autism from bulletstorm's excessive use of dick in my signature. thought it was hilarious :D

UndeadLotus - 14 years ago

Yea that could be a little difficult.

UndeadLotus - 14 years ago

Awesome! Hopefully it's really good.

UndeadLotus - 14 years ago

I would like to get black and white at some point.

UndeadLotus - 14 years ago

Yea I am. Miss spending hours a day playing it.

UndeadLotus - 14 years ago

Haha thanks took forever to find one I liked

Taco - 14 years ago

.....PLEASE tell me you are just fucking kidding me. seriously i "just put salt in the wound" AJ made?!?! HONESTLY?! are you THAT much of a freakin puss-bag? its the fuckin internet dude. learn to take everything in stride and not give a shit if someone says something stupid like that, especially if its AJ. hes always doin shit like that and im always messin around w/ people. if he REALLY hurt you w/ his pretty weak insult, i think you really need to just get off the dam internet and grow some juevos, amigo. like, seriously. its the internet. dont get offended. youll prolly never meet any of these people

Taco - 14 years ago

dude, seriously? i was joking around you fucking cockmuncher. ask anyone who even slightly knows me, i joke around a lot! its what i do. theres no need to say shit to me like im a moron. lighten up dude, like seriously. i was just messing with you. dont get your dam panties in a knot over one comment...

AJ - 14 years ago

You need to be banned, very badly.

ShadowMachine X - 14 years ago

I will see the flick when it comes out. Looks like it will be very entertaining.

ShadowMachine X - 14 years ago

No I haven't seen the movie, read some of the books. Pretty good.

ShadowMachine X - 14 years ago

I'm liking Scott Pilgrim The Game, liking it a lot.

Meta - 14 years ago

WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! 1 2 3 4!!

Grenade Rising - 14 years ago

Yes sir, about twenty hours of multiplayer.

Grenade Rising - 14 years ago

Reaching level 100 in Snoopy Flying Ace :D

Meta - 14 years ago

You better start taking your Xbox with you! And yeah I already got 200/200 in Scott Pilgrim, I liked the movie too. I might even go buy all the graphic novels.

Meta - 14 years ago

How are you liking Scott Pilgrim?

BoyzRFlatt - 14 years ago

hmm cool. still confused but whatever

BoyzRFlatt - 14 years ago

but is it from a specific game? i can't tell

BoyzRFlatt - 14 years ago

hey bro just wondering, whats that pokemon thing in your signature for/from?

Meta - 15 years ago

How are you enjoying Hydro Thunder?

Meta - 15 years ago

You know what, pal? I'm not entirely sure I appreciate your polite and articulate speech; you start talking like that and people will think we're all "civilized". How are you enjoying Red Dead Redemption?!

Meta - 15 years ago

There once was a man from Peru / who dreamed he was eating his shoe / he woke with a fright / in the middle of the night / to find that his dream had come true